The reality is that regardless of potentially better systems, unless there is some unexpected serious event, one of those two will be the next president. That is black and white. Their responses will be different. Black and white. An unserious person thinks sitting out or going third party helps shape a world closer to their imagined morally superior viewpoint.

:BHGibson: Bucketbot

Shores of Molokai has Melting Man. Silent Picture Books has Melting Man Part 2. The second part is an expanded verse ion using the same opening but is 4 minutes longer. Sigil Soundtrack is a compilation album, the only original track on that album is the first song Romero One Mind Any Weapon (awesome track).

There are some riffs Buckethead has a reused over the years. Sled Ride from Shadows Between the Sky has been reused a few times with my personal favorite version being Hall 5 from Halls of Dimensions. I would love a whole pike in that flamenco style.

I want to be outside but I don’t want to hear that shit too. I’ll take my metal over some birds chirping or strangers conversation.

Look I get you’re scared to make a choice. But let me leave you with this…

7th time: will Joe Biden or Donald Trump support the Palestinian people more?

Because the question being posed only has 2 potential answers, Trump or Biden. You continuously refuse to select an available answer.

Sixth time: will Joe Biden or Donal Trump support the Palestinian people more?

No, I’m just educated enough to realize when my question isn’t answered. And all your deflections regarding genocide do not answer the question. The only potential answers are Trump or Biden. Fifth time: which one will support the Palestinian people more.

Why are you so scared to answer the question? Barring some magical change of heart between two conflicting societies the genocide will continue after the election and as a result one of them will be making policy with how the US will address the genocide. So for the fourth time: which one will support the Palestinian people more?

Because the question was is A or B better for Palestinians. C is not an answer because it’s not in the list of options. So for the third time: between the two realistic options (Trump or Biden)which one do you think will support Palestinian people more?

That’s not an answer to the question; the answers are limited to one or the other. Which one do you think will support Palestinians more?

Biden should just pull their security detail and the problem can solve itself.

One of them will be president next. Which one do you think is going to support Palestinian people more?

NTA. Your boyfriend is not pro-life, he is anti-choice; specifically your choice.

If you’re seated close to an exit you should always be on a lookout for who is leaving. I’ve seen phones get snatched like that as people run out of the trolley. It happens so quickly too.

And if you turn your attention by to these pair of green lungs… these belonged to a pot head.

When I was a teenager growing up in Oceanside I was into punk rock and can recall way too many interactions where some marines would have to talk shit because of “patriotism” or cause problems by hitting on the teenage girls in our group.

Are we getting the junkie Karen storyline or is Born Again just being used in reference to the show coming back?

What every sane person has wanted to do to Gregg Abbott for years.

Don’t even get me started on heat. Here in San Diego we’re bunkering down because it’s going to get to a whopping 92 this weekend. /s

It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad with all these responses repeating the same sentiments game after game. These people saying it can’t be done lack imagination; thank god they’re not game developers. Gears 2 has massive battles playing out in the hollow that can be seen from a distance. They absolutely can work as their own playlist.

I would like to see them essentially do a larger Overrun style big game battle. Connect maybe 4 multiplayer maps end to end and start the battle with each team holding sides and let it be a tug of war. Keep it to 6 players per team but also have bots on each team to fill out the battle and make it feel larger than it is. Allow squad commands where you can lead the bots in battle.

Banana fruit floats from Trader Joe’s. They were my favorite dessert as a kid.

Blood of Christ… tastes like Merlot to me…

This ain’t twitter dork. Not like those tags even work on that website either.

I think he really rubbed production wrong when he called Jenna and made her quit the show. It was straight mental abuse and they’re not interested in rewarding that kind of shitty person. It doesn’t help that he was gone on to talk badly about production and their casting choices. People at his age don’t change. He was, is, and always will be a misogynist that treats the woman around him like lesser people meant for his abuse.

It’s on par with them not wanting to bring back someone who is openly racist. Half their cast are female, why would they want to bring in someone who openly belittles half the house for biological differences?

Tune in next week to find out which woman he’ll treat badly next!!!

Zach sucks ass.