Canada has a national election commission staffed by civil servants and volunteers responsible for everything related to federal elections. The politicians and their parties have zero influence in the way elections are conducted. Campaigning is not allowed on election day and they are only allowed in a polling place to cast their own vote.

I think the Supreme Court and their fascist handlers are being generous here. I’m sure they would much rather just shoot them.

A good friend of mine is a dentist. He says tooth decay and abscess are one of the biggest contributors to serious illnesses such as malnutrition, heart disease, bone decay and a host of other health issues.

It’s unconstitutional until the six pope’s decide it is.

Better start building sanitariums and filling them with iron lungs and leg braces.

I think the “ mistreatment “ may relate to corporate bullying, like the constant threat of cancelled multi million dollar contracts.

It’s the word “ Comandments “ that gets me. Commanded by who? Why couldn’t they just call it “ 10 things you shouldn’t do “.

Or she’s been brainwashed by the Maga cult of stupidity and Christo-fascism. There is seemingly no way out.

Canadian here .Can a US federal judge be charged with obstruction of justice if that is clearly their end- game.

I doubt he has ever personally killed anyone. He may have given the order though.

There is no test that can tell if THC impairment is current or past. They can only tell there was consumption. This needs to be challenged in court.

Canadian here. Aside from the portion of my federal income tax that goes towards healthcare, I pay $600 a year in provincial health insurance premiums. The only bill I got from a hospital stay was the TV bill. Conservative provincial premier’s here are starting to fuck with the system though.

Mental health, compounded by underfunded education, unaffordable and unreachable healthcare and poverty.