Thank you so much and I’m here fighting with all of you aswell

I’m having a really hard time, with body dysphoria and I love how I look masculine but it goes back to liking looking feminine as well but rarely. I love growing out my facial hair and how I look with it I dress like a boy and have since age 12 I think I need a gender therapist

FTM advice Need Advice :snoo_thoughtful:

can someone please message or comment how they knew they wanted to transition. What are some of the things that bothered you about being female etc any advice helps thank you so much.

Thank you so much everyone’s comments make me feel less alone

Thank you so much I have they want me on birth control or and ssri but both make me so sick

I can’t do this anymore. Coping Skills

I have zero coping skills for my pmdd my mental health is already trash when I’m not on my period. This is so over whelming in the pit of your stomach all of the sadness you’ve ever felt in your life hits you all at once wave after wave. This is so unbearable my life feels doomed even when I know it’s not. I don’t know how much longer I can do this.


I have no idea what happened to me either I was on 7 psych meds and then I had my gall bladder removed and I cannot handle ANY meds and my psychiatrist keeps making me and it makes me sick and I have reactions after two weeks

Is there a reason you can’t take ssri I’m curious because everytime I take them I get really sick with every ssri but my psychiatrist tells me it’s all in my head. And so are other side effects I get from all of them

I agree, thank you i don’t feel so alone the OB wants me on birth control and my psychiatrist wants me on Prozac

Exactly and then when I feel like this I’m like is this what it’s really like and my mind and body are trying to tell me this is what it really is all the time and I just ain’t seeing it when my hormones aren’t everywhete

PmddMy Experience

I think so much about everything, I feel like my life sucks and is doomed before my period comes. I feel so depressed and my mind makes me think people have ulterior motives my brain is like a fine tooth comb before my periods I observe everything everyone says everything does. I feel like my marriage is falling apart before my period comes I view everyone and everything as a threat and that I need to escape and be alone I hate being social during my periods and before and all I do is cry on my periods and I’m scared every month my mental health is going down hill untill my period shows.

yeah I saw the doctor she said to wash once a day with antibacterial soap and water obviously and pat dry with paper towel and put bacitracin zinc with non stick gauze I switched to huge Band aid because the two medical tapes I have are causing me to have a rash but the yellow stuff that was there is almost gone maybe that’s where the oozing was coming from now it looks like fresh new pink skin it’s pretty itchy but I on one edge of the burn I have little bubbles I’m assuming I leave that slone

That’s awesome I have a cruiser it’s a 150cc


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it has like a yellowish film on top of granulated tissue I don’t think it’s infected, I’ve had an infected tattoo that hurt really bad and I don’t think my burn hurts to that point but I have an appointment with my pcp just to make sure today

Not a Medical Professional / Unverified User

Thank you, I have people telling me to cover it then I have people telling me not too. I’m going bonkers.