Sylvain and Annette are Marie Kondo style influencers. They write books and have a show where they go into people's houses and teach them how to declutter and tidy up their lives. People are drawn in by Sylvains flirty personality and how cute Annette is. She constantly trips over random things on camera and says weird things when she's embarrassed.

Seteth writes children's novels.

Bernie is a reclusive author writing under a pseudonym. People really love her attention to detail and world building. Many of her stories feature highly accurate historical settings.

Ashe works multiple jobs to help support his siblings, like the protagonist of a Persona game. He works alongside or knows the other characters through these jobs.

Flayn is an ECE at a daycare (where Ashe works part time).

Dedue is the talented but unknown chef at a small restaurant (where Ashe works part time in the kitchen, his parents had a restaurant and Dedue notices his love of cooking, deciding to teach him more complex skills and recipes).

Mercedes is a pastry chef and is heavily involved in helping her community through her church.

Ferdinand is a politician with dreams of becoming Prime Minister.

Ignatz is trying to follow his dream of being a painter. It's a tough industry but he draws inspiration from history and is known for his depictions of religious figures. His first big job was when he was hired to draw the pictures for Seteths books, and from there was recommended to the elusive Bernadetta as her cover artist.

Hilda owns a small but successful accessories brand. She creates bespoke jewelry that is heavily sought after by the rich and stylish.

Marianne runs an animal sanctuary, taking in horses and rehabbing small animals until their able to be re-released. The birds keep coming back after being released, though, and like to bring her gifts.

Lindhart and Lysethia are university professors in the same field and often work on research together. They both studied under Hanneman.

Dorothea is a stage actress and singer.

Manuela is a retired stage actress and singer, who now trains young actors in live performance.

Lorenz is in the business of tea. Importing it and creating new blends.

Caspar is a fitness instructor at a gym. He also runs a cat blog that is just photos of cats he sees around town.

Rhea is leader of the church and is has a lot of influence over politics and business. While she's generally well liked and seen as kind and welcoming, some people feel like there's something off about her.

Claude is an investigative reporter, who thinks there's definitely something hiding beneath the surface of Rhea and the church.

Gilbert is a quiet and taciturn carpenter.

Alois is chief of police, always well meaning but full of terrible jokes.

I always wonder if he just left her in an inn or something. Obviously, he couldn't leave them alone as a baby, so was he actively working as a mercenary with a baby strapped to him, or did he have a babysitter? I can't imagine he was very trusting of people with his baby after everything with the church and Rhea.

I once got a phone call from a company I had applied at. I was so excited thinking I had gotten the job. I guess my number must have been listed under the number of the person they did pick because they were reaching out to someone else for the job. I was so embarrassed and devastated by the call.

Right? I was three when my brother was born. There was now a baby for me to play with. They gave me a real baby. Way better than a doll.

I did try to sell him at a garage sale a few months later, but I'm not sure I meant it.

What happened with Wattpad that so many people are leaving? I've never used it because I just don't like the design of it.

Did we hear his voice in the last chapter? He was having a super sus conversation with Raf before MC was knocked out, wasn't he?

What is Suwabe Junichi from?

After I got lost at an amusement park when I was a toddler, I was on a kid leash. I think they're great. It's better than having random kids running around wreaking havoc in public. Plus, with the cute backpack ones they make now, they can carry their own snacks.

All the Fearghus Four have so much baggage between them. There's so much trauma there. None of them can communicate well with or understand eachother.

Most of the time they don't even seem like friends.


I'm playing AM right now, and I went in with intentions for Felix, but I'm so torn by my love for Sylvain. Why can't I have both?

Like, jeez Sylvain, has it never occurred to you that people like you because you're smart and funny and a dork and pretty?

Underneath the callous playboy image, he's kind and supportive. I wish he had an ending with Bernie, even a platonic one, where he helps her get her writing published and is her number 1 fan.

I still intend to pair with Felix this run, and I'm struggling to pick who I want Sylvain to end up with. I just want everyone to be as happy as they can.

It always throws me off to think that people in government are even aware of things like fanfiction. Do they actually know what it is, or is it more a satanic panic kind of situation? Imagine them reading excerpts from My Immortal in congress.

I thought it would be Ignatz and Raphael when I was doing their supports, and was very disappointed when it turned out he'd just gotten with Raphs sister out of nowhere.

I don't think this is a boomer thing. This is just a personality thing. My mom does the same thing when I or my brother drive. She says things like telling me there's a stop sign ahead or warning me the light is going to change. Granted, her mom is way worse and had become a shut-in at this point from being so fearful of everything. Mom's a bit better now with cbd, but she is still very annoying to grocery shop with, always pointing at things and asking if I need it.

Her mother calls every day from the other side of the world, and if the phone isn't answered, she starts calling everyone else's phones until she can get ahold of her.

I am literally 33 years old and recently my mom thought she needed to tell me how to make my bed

Don't threaten us with a good time

When I was 18 a lot of older men would make weird comments to me at work. Usually something along the lines of "if I were 20 years younger". The worst were the ones who would first ask if I was old enough to be working (I look really young for my age) and when they found out I was 18 they'd start hitting on me.

I can't stand Aira and the way he treats Hiiro. Tbh other than Hiiro I don't find Alkaloid very interesting. It'd be nice to see him featured more, maybe have him in a shuffle unit or something. A love Rinne and Crazy:B so even if it was a Hiiro story featuring them it would be nice as long as he isn't overshadowed.

I've never noticed the cat before. That's pretty cute. I was always going into the dorm rooms after missions to see if there were any changes or any way I could snoop. It would have been cute if you could read their notes or letters from home.

  1. Never seeing characters that are brought up in story all the time. I would really have liked to actually meet Holst.

  2. Important events that you are supposed to be present for happening off screen, like the roundtable meeting of Alliance lords.

  3. The romance happening after the game. It would have made more sense to me for there to be more actual build up, and have the S support be before the final battle.

  4. As archbishop, you still live in the student dorms, and the dorms not showing much individuality except for Claudes books.

  5. Byleths coat. I'd just like the option to not have the big bulky coat.

I hope they have a character that uses pro-wrestling moves at some point. That'd be fun. Probably wouldn't work very well in game though.

I want a "remember the good old days" post from older people that are honest about how shit things were.

Remember back when we had no options for entertainment;

Remember when kids were routinely maimed by lawn darts and click clacks;

Remember when they'd arrest little kids for not going to school and send them to reform schools where they had no way to contact their parents;

Those were the days.

Grumpy old person brags about sad childhood with no good food, has never heard of Italy.

I don't know what I'd do. It's not a quick death, he would've heard his dog crying and seen the pain he was in. The most natural thing in the world is to jump in after him.

There's a horrifying story about a man whose dog ran off and fell in. He jumped in, trying to save his dog. His friend then tried to pull him out. The dog and dog owner died, and they weren't able to recover the body of the dog or owner iirc and his friend sustained 3rd degree burns on his arms.

I thought Shu and Kohaku were brothers when I first started playing.

You'd think they'd just remove the mustache, since that's the most recognizable feature. But I guess a glasses disguise works?