Nintendog( because she is so perfect ) :13379:

Hear me out. Have you ever heard of paymoneywubby?

For a baby duck you’ve got incredible skills Peter. Self portraits are very hard, and I think you nailed it.

Are you going to be putting them on meat at the grocery store? Random poles on the street? Are they biodegradable?

Is it possible to set her things outside when she’s about to pull up? Have him text you when she’s pulling up? Unless you simply don’t want to touch her belongings, you are valid in this reasoning and valid for not wanting to invite a random person into your home. You shouldn’t have to solve this issue for him, or her. You said no, and it’s his job to sell you on the idea, you’re not sold. Plus, YOU DON’T KNOW HER, what if she brings buddies over? What if she takes something that isn’t hers? That’s a lot of what ifs for someone you probably don’t want to meet or see, especially if she’s a side quest.

Time heals all wounds. Now, what you do with that time as you heal matters. Maybe that first month you won’t be feeling yourself, but maybe the second month you’ll see that smile again. Try to do things that make you feel confident in the mean time! Take care!

It is crazy how much of our features can be hidden by something as “simple” as fat, like a beautiful smile. Congratulations on your weight loss, keep up the amazing work, and don’t lose your smile!

10 years as a vegetarian, what should I try first?Reintroducing Animal Foods

I’ve been a vegetarian for 10+ years. For many reasons that pertain specifically to my life I have decided to eat meat again. I haven’t eaten meat since sophomore year of highschool, and I don’t know what I should try first. Wish me luck!


You have a GM in your store? Please ask them. It’s based on your review that’s based on your productivity then out into a percentage and your given that percentage as in increase. When I worked at ODP, I quit last week, I got a 4 star review from a manager who was never in our store, resulting in me getting a .63 cent raise that I won’t even see until end of April early May. Bonuses? You won’t see that for months.

Quit. The driving fact that you have nothing lined up will make you hungry. ( Figuratively, if you are in a situation we’re you will loose you roof or your food DO NOT quit, YET.) Any grocery store would take you in a heartbeat. If your going to work retail work we’re you buy your food!

Don’t even go into the building. You don’t need to put yourself in a tough situation, just quit. Write a letter, call them or text them or don’t, they will replace you with someone else. As always, I recommend finding something not in retail, and if it has to be retail work, work we’re you buy your food. Good luck any route you go, but remember you don’t owe them anything.

Tell me why I had my work shirts cleaned in a bag with a letter and my keys in my hands trying to approach my sales manager as he tried dodging me around the store. Saying let me help this customer real quick. It took everything in me not to say “ Sir I’m a customer now please take this.”

I have a similar experience. Instead of an old senile woman, it is a manchild with 5 years of prior “experience”. Doesn’t know ANYTHING. Constantly can’t remove alpha locks I go up there and it pops right off. Always forgets to give customer change or stamps every single day. Consistently hands laptops and tablets to customers before they pay and they run out with it. This person is a headache an a hazard to be around yet I was written up months ago for “under performing”. Second best store in my district, guess who helped get it there??? The store was under performing when I got there.

Don’t forget that nickel doesn’t show up until 2 months after you got your “raise”. And bonuses? 3 months from that quarter is when you will see it heavily taxed on your paycheck. You win a company contest with money? You’ll see that in 5 months. What a joke! They feed on those who stay!

Free indeed. Helping customers who don’t know what an email is but have an email that they use constantly ughh getting told to just sign people up for rewards don’t tell them there signing up for anything. Over it!

I quit today

That’s it, thank you but no thanks.

They live rent free in my head, I consistently am contacted by them and friends of the family. Most of what I said was long before no contact. I don’t have any social media to “lurk”, I receive messages, voicemails and even emails. But thank you anyways for your “advice”.

Thank you, I have to remember why I’m doing it. Thank you thank you thank you.

I don’t know your situation, obviously, but you are not alone. I hope you find peace getting a new number. And remember time heals all wounds. ( and sometimes it takes a really long time, but you’ll find your way.)