🦶 Homeless feet🦶

Gotta get Dupee to join in. He's an expert when it comes to breaking into peoples houses and then party there for days.

That has happened to me a lot too, it was just this time that I got really lucky.

Just two. I only had 32 tokens when I started so I could only pay myself out twice. I was really, really lucky then.

  1. Cannibal
  2. Push It
  3. Dead World
  4. The Only
  5. Otsego Placebo

Because then they'll jump on your bed when you fap.

🦶 Homeless feet🦶

Angel 1: If you don't cooperate we're gonna strike you with lightning bolts.

Manzi: Strike me with what?

Angel 2: LAY DOWN!!!

I only play to complete my special sponsor task. After that no more.

A faded ginger means more braincells. Makes perfect sense.

I like him as the new lead singer, but when I first heard about what they were doing I did question the ethics of it. What if Linkin Park put someone in a Chester Bennington mask and move on like that, I don't think their fans would appreciate it. But the more I sit on it, sleep on it, take a shit on it, I'm kinda on board with the idea too. It sure as hell better than using a hologram, I don't think robotics and AI technologies are good or affordable enough to create an actual Robo-Wayne for live shows yet, so this is what we have now. Could they have hired other singer or have Edsel doing it as Edsel instead of impersonating Wayne? They sure could have. But now that we're here I've been enjoying it.

That looks like a sporo infection to me. Bring your car to a nearest mechanic quickly before it gets even worse.

If you have also bought premium sponsor then you can unlock the custom academy prospect at the very end, but that's gonna be a while away.

I don't think there will be a penalty clash this season, we already had it last season and the last one before that was two seasons prior. Anyways, the last time out I only got to 94%, I'm pretty dog shit at it.

🦶 Homeless feet🦶


That's not Chris Hansen that's Lex Luger!