I think my white van parked outside indicates my intentions perfectly.

The owner obviously bunged the MOT tester's guide dog a biscuit.

Or maybe it was an MOT by post. I used to know someone who would do that for you many years ago.

I always had a soft spot for Ladas. They were actually quite a well built car if you overlooked the age of the design and the poor trim levels.

I loved my Niva. It was a UK upgraded Cossack which made it a better vehicle for little work. I could get that to places you couldn't get a land rover. Shame we can't buy them any more.

We had several pairs of twins at school. We did have two sisters who were nearly indistinguishable at the age of 12 but had very different body shapes by the age of 16. So yes it happens.

That works. The whole point was that the two lovers could not be together. Rival families, different ethnicities, either works in terms of the underlying plot.

Well yeah. You know what the generic name for Viagra is?



12V actually does indeed exist but only in permanently installed or the version that replaces an HGV sunroof glass.

Try building yourself a swamp cooler from a cheap 12V coolbox to sit in the passenger foot well. Works for campervans and tents.

But the HND, OND were regarded as as good or for some careers preferable to a degree. I'm saying we need equivalent qualifications that are less academic for those jobs that don't really need academic qualifications.

You still can get degree level qualifications via the NVQ route.

Ah, but I'm talking about someone who is adapted for African sun. And I'm part Scottish so we are opposite ends of the spectrum.

I have warned her about the danger here on overcast days though.

Indeed. Not everyone is academically gifted and not everyone needs academic qualifications. We need to have a range of education options, not just "go to university".

Indeed. what is the point of a lot of going people who aren't academically qualified going to university and getting degrees that mean nothing in the real world and just ending up with a massive debt. Unless of course you are in the business of collecting that debt.

Return a lot of the "universities" back to polytechnics and trade colleges where they teach useful things.

Usually it means that they are afraid that they are gay themselves.

That sounds like a lovely place to buy then bring a court case because of noise and nuisance getting that pub garden stopped thus adding a lot of value to your property.

That is a very good reason to never go to that church again.

I suppose you could swing a cat in there as long as it was a very small cat and didn't mind a sore head.

To be fair the showroom in Westfield's had a Tesla chassis. As someone who knows a bit how to weld even the showroom chassis was only stuck together with pigeon shit.

Where sheep may safely graze. Indeed. I am so very lucky that I adore my homeland.

So you're leaning towards your demon side? Good for you.

Oh, god no. I was quoting Alan Partridge.

You responding reminds me of the early days of living in my van when I didn't instantly recognise the dogging places. Apparently they get very excited when you turn up with an actual bed.

2 looks exactly like a bulldog chewing a wasp.