This is why it's annoying when ppl don't finish the post and rush to comment. Theres an entire fucking paragraph about how they're applying.

Fucking obnoxious

ETA: Also go fuck urself for deciding he isn't trying hard enough when u couldn't even put in the effort to read his whole post.

What's the point of the Braintree highlands one? Holbrook is like 5 mins away from there

Honestly having trouble breathing just thinking abt it. I will literally never be broke enough to do that. Hell the therapy I'd need to ever function again would take a good chunk of the money.

Yes, but that's okay. Introducing a camera into a workplace is a big deal. Boundaries are going to have to be drawn. It's okay to be one of the people who says "I'm not okay with x" even if other are.

I bet you aren't the only one who has a problem with it. That being said, yes, you will potentially look like a wet blanket. But if u don't say something it's going to keep happening.

I’m turning into an unskippable cutscene in therapy

Before my sister was a vegitarian she would order steaks well done. One time the waiter came back and said the chef refused to cook it. She tried to argue but my dad was like, no pick something else the chef has principles. Even she thought that was funny. 

I’m turning into an unskippable cutscene in therapy

This has been posted like 8 times to this sub...

I’m turning into an unskippable cutscene in therapy

A for once good step brother let me see if I can find the post

Depends. Did someone recommend it to me? Don't even bother looking it up. Saw if somewhere else I'll read the reviews but the stars don't matter to me. 


As an FYI for OP: it's cash only. But a really great bar!

Eta: it's been awhile since I've been and apparently they take cards now!  Thank you to the person below for letting me know!!

I’m turning into an unskippable cutscene in therapy

Is he not already? Anytime someone does something respectable he's either an Omar or Kai, situationally depending. 

That memory is getting shoved right back into the closet it just peaked out from asap

Meh. It's pretty common for them to pick it up from TV. My nefew doesn't have a dad but calls lots of guys 'dad' (including one of the teens that babysits him). It's cute. So she might just be that age where: male person that I like and is taking care of me = dad

Honestly as someone in their mid-30s who grew up with the internet. No I don't remember that time. As far as I've experienced it's never really existed. 

I’m turning into an unskippable cutscene in therapy

I just had to help my cousin with this. So many shots! And the butt one?! Stressful! 

I’m turning into an unskippable cutscene in therapy

Mine were the opposite they planned it be be like 5 yrs apart and then 15 months after me there's my sister. 

I asked my mom if my sister was an accident once when I was older (and it was genuine, not being mean), and she said something along the lines of "I think of it as she was early. No sane person, after having one infant, immediately plans for another." 

As an east coaster who uses the phase constantly. Agreed!!!! 

Fuck that. Man's got 5 babies he's gotta keep track of.

Im pro baby leashes with one or two if ur in public never mind five. Whatever you gotta do man! 

We want another Harambe situation? No? Good, use a leash! 

For bigger dogs the vet recommends letting them go into heat once and then getting them fixed. Something about the hormones are important for their growth

I’m turning into an unskippable cutscene in therapy

Fair clarification. I should have clarified I was in the US and not assumed!

NTA. I love my mom but she does this. Hell, all the sisters in her fam do it. 

Got dumped? Grandma's calling to say how sorry she is before your ready

Got an award or promotion? Uncle D. is calling to congratulate before u can post the news urself. 

Sisters sick? Aunties r calling asking if she wants soup

Notice how my nefew existence and gender revaltion aren't on that list? It's bc the younger generation has grown up w/ this dynamic and know better. We r very explicit when talking to each other abt what we are n aren't ready to have run thru their phone books. 

Recently learned w/ her daughters engagement that auntie A. can actually keep a secret. Which good on her, she's the only one!