What material socks would be ideal? All I wear at my outdoors job is cotton, but I also don't walk for hours at a time lol

Soulda been more specific, Big Bend National Park. Humidity is 20-30% on the days I'll be there. One person said with low humidity that an undershirt is a maybe, but it looks like most people in the comments disagree lol

My weather app is predicting 20-30% the days I'll be there

Should I wear an undershirt for hiking in hot weather?Question

I'm about to go on my first long hiking trip in a hot area, and I want to wear clothes that keep me as cool as possible. I'll be in south texas, so very hot and dry. I've heard about people wearing cotton undershirt, like a wife beater, to keep their sweat against their skin to keep cool. Would this work in a dry, sunny region? I appreciate any advice!

Yes, I had mercenaries attached. I'll keep that in mind next time

Why can I not retreat from this battle?Question

I was winning this battle before another army joined, and now I want to retreat back to my territory before I take more casualties than I've inflicted, but it won't let me. It's been the 7 or 14 days or whatever minimum, so I should be able to, but there's just a red X everywhere I try to send them. Does it have to do with the zone of control? I attacked after leaving the enemy fort to the right. Thank you for any help or advice!

I'm the lavender Ajam, my armies are coming from the enemy fort in Merv, and I do not have access in the white territory to the immediate south. Why can't my dudes leave to fight another day!!

To clarify, when I try to right click any province, nothing happens, when usually the armies in battle would retreat

Can an upgrade be removed?Question

I created a tailor's shop to create gambesons, just to realize that it would be better to just import them since I really can't grow any flax in my region to male linen. I don't see a way to change the tailor's shop to something else, like a cobbler or chicken coop. Do I need to just destroy the whole house? Also side question, does area effect chicken coop/ goat production?

Dang so if my entire starting area is orange I'm just done for lol

Started as a 2 province nation with like 20 pops, and immediately started slave raiding when I got the military tradition

Oh 😭 so what do I do when my AE is super high, just wait it out?

My AE impact not impacting, and my 90% enslaved nation is collapsingQuestion

I just learned that aggressive expansion gives reduced aggressive expansion impact, capped at 95%, meaning that if your AE is higher than 95, you won't suffer much. Naturally, I sent my naval fleet to enslave like 100 people, but now my stability is dropping like crazy.

AE, showing -110% AE impact (though the wiki says it's actually capped at 95%)


My stability is dropping by 0.70 per month!

My stability is dropping by 0.70 per month when it should only be like -0.0375 given the AE impact modifier! Am I missing something??

Thank you for any help and advice!

So we both want a better world for people. The only difference between us is that you would kill a human to prevent them from not having a perfect life. Abhorrent. You would kill a baby to prevent them from being born to poor parents, denying that living human from ever experiencing life, as if growing up eating cereal for dinner is worse than having your skull crushed and sucked up by a vacuum while still in the womb. Would firebombing an orphanage be an act of mercy? What about impoverished 3rd worlders, most of whom don't meet your subjective standard of living, should we just put them out of their mystery? No, of course not, we should strive to make living conditions better, while also recognizing that the vast majority of people would rather live through temporary hardships than be killed.

Well I would want to hear some objective definition of "personhood." How can something be a living human, but not a person? A certain level of intelligence?

Lmao I DO believe in literally all of that. The right to life and good education are NOT mutually exclusive. Read my comment again, idk how else to tell you. You're genuinely just being intentionally dishonest, and I'm not sure why. If you're not interested in having a real discussion, then I won't bother to continue replying

Yes, abortion is the killing of an innocent human. That is undeniably murder. Also, how do those other issues relate to abortion? Do I personally need to fix every issue that we face before I can oppose infanticide? Do we need to ensure that every human is guaranteed a perfect life before we can outlaw murder? Every human on the planet will suffer in some way, does that mean you would rather be killed than be adopted as a baby? Would you rather be dead than make less than 6 figures? Lmao

There's no moral issue with choosing one life over the other if the mother and the baby can't both be saved. I think a few states have outlawed these procedures, which I disagree with since they just seem pointless.

Forcefully harvesting organs from people is NOT the same as preventing murder. What? Bad analogy. I just believe in human rights, specifically the right to life. That doesn't mean that we're obligated to prevent anyone from dying, ever, it just means that I don't think an innocent human life should be intentionally ended for no good reason.

Even if a tiny percentage of searches resulted in a causality, the seizure of every gun in America would never happen simply because of limited manpower, and manpower that's actually willing to infringe on Americans' rights, and willing to kill Americans on behalf of the government. It would never happen.

The biology says that a human embryo is a unique human life, and I believe in human rights, specifically the right to life. Abortion is the intentional ending of a human life 100% of the time. Please do not discuss morality if your idea of morality means that killing people for convenience is righteous.

The percentage of men and women that are pro life are very comparable. Stop trying to make abortion a gender issue when it's a morality issue

God existing outside of time doesn't mean that you don't have free will. He has just already seen what you chose to do before you did it. Also, heaven is a choice. If we choose to go to heaven to praise God forever, He's not forcing us to do anything