Manor Lords

r/ManorLords115.8K subscribers105 active
Please leave a review!

Hi everyone. This is it.

In just about an hour the game will become available on Steam, GOG, Epic Games Store, Microsoft Store & PC Gamepass, as an early access (or a "Game Preview" how it's called on Gamepass).

I'd like to ask for one thing. You know how youtubers always ask to "like and subscribe" and the simple fact of asking rises their subscriptions? Turns out it happens in game dev as well. Most players don't leave reviews. Or worse, people who had a bug will leave a negative review, while people who just had a great, good or even OK time, won't leave a review. Please leave a review. And I understand it's going to be a mix of positives and negatives especially in that first month. I'm prepared! The game is early access for a reason and I'm very confident that it will only get better. I promise to work hard.

Thank you for all your support throughout the years and hope you enjoy the game!

Small sidenote. You may notice the versions differ slightly across the stores, I decided to push some minor last minute localization fixes to Steam, but really EGS, GOG and Steam are quite identical. Gamepass is a bit behind but updates are already on their way - the process take longer there.

Pinnedby gstyczenDev
What happened to the players?Question

Hey! I've been following this game for a while. I will buy it as soon as I have the time to put into this game (this is not a game to play casually).

I am surprised at how it went from 173.000 players pero day at launch, to 6.000-8.000 now. 8.000 a day is not bad by any means for an indie, niche game, but it's a hell of a Drop.

Can someone explain?

Big Battle Game Save file for only fighting.Question

Hey guys, im looking for a way to just have big battles in Manor Lords, like this youtuber. i love the strategic fights in this game, but dont wanna spend so many hours building up. even only fight mods would be great or a sandbox mode :D


Trading Posts Question

What is the deal with trading Posts. Are they broken?

I have over 300 shields and weapons (swords and bows), I have the trading routes open, trading post is on the kinds roads and I have the trading post staffed. Nothing seems to be selling.

CongestionBug Reporting





900 population, 30 horses (15 traders), 35 oxen. Never had this happen once in 250~ hours, I'm guessing it's to do with having so many horses/traders.

It's beneficial to delay tier 2 homesDiscussion

I figure this is somewhat of a PSA. I started my first hard playthrough last night. I got absolutely slammed with disapproval when I upgraded my homes too quickly because I I had a tier one church, one source of clothes, and two sources of food. After a few resets, it appears to be quite efficient to not upgrade any homes to tier 2 for the first 1 to 2 years. I was able to bring my approval rating to essentially 100% quickly getting 20 to 30 occupied up homes within 1.5 to 2 years . After building up barley and wheat for ale and bread, I was able to scale all my homes to T2 very quickly and eventually to tier three. Something to consider, especially if you're going to be doing a hard playthrough. I should mention that this did delay me being able to manufacture weapons to establish my militia. My village would have been burned down had it not been for the other barons having their units walking around that intercepted the enemies that were coming for my annual raid.

Experience with hard pc crashes?Question

Just bought the game. Jumped into the game and started zoning my first house.

Then my PC crashed. The fan went loud for a second and the PC turned off immediately. No errors, no warnings. Any known settings to prevent that? Will try to reproduce it later.

Livestock QuestionQuestion

Hi all, loving the game. Anyone know if it's possible / how to move livestock from one stable space to another? Say, to move an ox you just bought from the livestock trading post to a nearby hitching post?


Can't remember the timing of adding the Garrison Tower to the Manor to get from 12 to 24 retinue? Question

I've played for 120 hours since the first release through each patch (alot of sandbox, not gonna lie) and coming back to refine fighting skills. I think I recall there being a "do this BEFORE you add the Garrison tower" timing rule to go from 5 retinue (max of 12) to double the max you can buy to 24. In my recent game I was only able to increase my retinue in ONE of my 5 regions to 24, the others are stuck at a max of 12. Each Manor has the Garrison tower added. What am I forgetting or is there a bug?

Questions about farmlandQuestion

Hey guys just bought the game and have been enjoying it a lot. The one thing Im slightly confused about is farming though. I understand the basics of not over farming the area or your yield will be less.

But my question is does having villagers assigned as farm hands during the non crops yielding times of the year do anything? Or should I only assign them workers right after winter ends and remove them all for other tasks during?

Can you chop trees for timber in the zone of berry bushes?Question

Sorry if this is obvious, I'm still quite new. I just want to know if my berry bushes will be destroyed if I Chop the trees down around them? From my knowledge Deer migrate if you do this, but wasn't sure about Berries.

Map view suggestionsFeature Suggestions

It would be nice to have buildings' work areas (e.g. if you limit a tree chopping area for a logging camp, or a service area for a warehouse) visible when you open a building's window and when you push Tab.

Other map visualisation suggestions:

  • View of where unassigned families reside (maybe in house tags when pushing Tab)

  • Terrain view without vegetation

  • Elevation map (as a separate map with a coloured elevation scale)

  • Soil fertility views available in any mode, like when building roads.

Tips on farmingDiscussion

Specifically regarding loss in yields and an end to micromanaging farms.

TLDR: you want to not only have crop rotation enabled, but you also want to actually rotate your crops.

I’ll use my current play-through as an example (rich fertility, 2 farmhouses, 4 families each, heavy plow, 4 sets of 3 rectangular fields at .5-.7 morgen):


Field set 1

Field 1: wheat / Field 2: flax / Field 3: wheat

Field set 2

Field 1: flax / Field 2: wheat / Field 3: flax

Field set 3 & 4

All fallow


Field set 1

Field 1: flax / Field 2: wheat / Field 3: flax

Field set 2

Field 1: wheat / Field 2: flax / Field 3: wheat

Field set 3

Field 1: wheat / Field 2: flax / Field 3: wheat

Field set 4

Field 1: flax / Field 2: wheat / Field 3: flax


Field set 1 & 2

All fallow

Field set 3

Field 1: flax / Field 2: wheat / Field 3: flax

Field set 4

Field 1: wheat / Field 2: flax / Field 3: wheat

Each field produces between 45-48 bushels annually. This is supporting the bread and linen needs of a village of at least 62 families with more than enough bread produced for export in exchange for importing barley (I don’t bother growing it since it requires so much land and manpower, and I generally prefer a min-maxed gameplay) or sending to start-up regions via pack stations. I also produce enough linen to export as well as supply a single tailor to craft gambisons and clothes, meeting lvl 3 needs.

Managing your fields this way ensures your fertility always replenishes each season for any given crop grown, and depending on your population, you can set it and forget it without worrying too much about micromanaging (though keep any eye out for droughts, because that can really make for a bad season).

Steam Link - controls don't pass?Technical Difficulties

I am trying to play on my laptop thru steam link (from my PC) but apparently mouse click & keyboard presses don't interact with the game. Is it a know bug? Any help would be appreciated

Crash issuesQuestion

Made a post yesterday which didn't get much traction so I thought I'd try again.

My most recent game has been crashing a lot and I don't understand why. I have more villages but not as many individual people as I have in past games of Manor Lords. I have lowered the settings and tried running it just on 1x speed but that hasn't stopped the issue.

My computer handles 1000 person battles on Ultra settings on Mount and Blade Bannerlord and huge save files on other games so I'm quite convinced this is a Manor Lords issue.

The crash problem persisted even after updating my graphics driver.

I was wondering if someone else had similar issues or if they would suggest a simple reinstall?

The Farming Experience is JankyDiscussion

I like farming. Even if its not the most optimal way to aquire food in the current build, I still enjoy it. It's thematic and fitting for the game and for the time period. I think it's fun to have yearly communal events where I mobilize a lot of my towns workforce to plant/harvest during those seasons. It gives me and my villagers something to look forward to and plan for year round.

That being said, the way the AI currently handles assigning workload to peasants/oxen/fields is JANKY. Even with 3+ farmhouses with 1-2 families each, dedicated oxen with the upgraded heavy plow perk, and many small .5 Morgan strip farms, it can still sometimes take 2-3 MONTHS to get a couple of small fields harvested, plowed and seeded.

There's a few glaring issues I can obviously see:

  • the game will not activate your workers until the harvest season begins, in September. So even if your fields are fully grown in June-July the work will not begin until harvest season. You can lose months like this if you do not manually force harvests. This makes it almost impossible to use crop rotation if you want to maximize your time each year as workers will not move on to the next rotation until the proper seasons are triggered.

  • the way the game assigns oxen to perform the heavy plow is weirdly broken. It seems like the farm workers don't even bring the oxen. Random villagers are assigned to walk them over, and they will often times walk over and just stand in the field for awhile ..then go all the way back to the hitching post, go back to a different field, and repeat. When the oxen actually start plowing it works fairly well, but sometimes it takes ages for them to get started even with an open field, an unoccupied family in the farmhouse, and multiple dedicated animals. Also, the heavy plow trait is supposed to help you bring in the harvest..but how does it do this? The oxen don't help at all, in fact they seem to mess up the workers that are bringing in the harvested crop by double dipping on the assigned spot. Something very weird is going in with work assignments and this perk.

  • the conflicting priorities between fields/threshing/storing make the process frustrating. Have your threshing priority set to high? Well your workers will neglect your barley and flaxen in the fields that needs to be brought in so they can thresh the grain. Don't have threshing priority set that high? Grain will sit for months unthreshed. If you have multiple fields set to multiple different priorities, sometimes your workers will get stuck in the farmhouse, not bringing in the harvest as they thresh all autumn long.

I'm definitely missing some details but I can tell you a lot of the farming season is me trying to play with priorities, oxen, force harvests, etc just to get the damn AI to actually do what I want it to do. They will often times waste much of the season just walking back and forth between fields and farmhouses, or ignoring certain fields all together until I jack up the priority.

Then once you've done all the button clicking across 10 fields, 5 farmhouses, 10 oxen l, forcing harvests need to reset it and reassign the families to get ready for the next season.

It's a ridiculously janky amount of work.
