This is the mindset you should have. People get too worked up over getting all the samples. There will be more, don't worry. Even super samples, if you play on the difficulty enough, you will get them. It's not the end of the world if you can't extract with them.

You know something else that's fun, just wave your mouse around and pick a spot, or even better is to go in the nice red spots for a warm welcome.

I lone wolf all the time, and if I die I don't care about respawning somewhere else, I'll make my way back eventually.

Do whatever you want. Play for fun. Don't play. Play something else.

"I mean half the fun comes from being part of a bigger picture." So this is what's fun for you. Great. A lot of people just like to get on and play bugs cause they like to see them burst into guts and whatnot. That's what's fun for them. The MO doesn't force you to do anything. If you're not into bugs and find it repetitive and boring with the objectives, don't play em. You won't be participating in the major order sometimes, so you won't get part of your fun, but at least you can have some fun fighting a faction you like. Maybe put more voice to what you would like to see changed with bugs to make it more interesting for you, it could help steer the game in a better direction for everyone.

Can we stop with these hot take one side better than the other posts. It's not a hot take for you to have an opinion on what you think is more fun. Maybe make this post into more of a PSA for people who don't normally play bots to try and give it a chance, instead of framing it as a hot take.

You are good, I do the same thing as it helps with clearing the map quicker and if you can hold your own and not die, there is no detriment to the team, it just shows that you are capable. I normally run a build that allows me to deal with every possible situation on my own so i can run off and quickly nab side objectives. Then once I've finished I'll regroup with the team and rinse and repeat. No one should be beholden to any one persons way to play the game.

The throwing knife can kill charges with 4 hits to the leg.

  1. You just are really good at democracy.

If you just tap fire it, the HMG can deal well with swarms as it 1-2 shots warrior, hunter, and scav, 3 or so for a hive gaurd

Area denial stuff like gas strike and napalm eagle are great throw and forget strategems that allow you to thin the herd while keeping on the move

They've done a good job with that new planet jungle layout, hope they move forward with more soon

Currently the orbital precision strike

The 120 will close all holes in the bug nests with 4 holes. The 10 hole nests need you to have something like the eruptor or grenade pistol if you want to clear them quickly.