I would take the tick to a doctor, get yourself checked out and the doc will know what to do with the tick to get it identified and tested. I had a lonestar tick attach itself to me…down there and now I can’t eat red meat.

On mushrooms, his eyebrows turn into a full unibrow and swirl around like they’re made of microscopic worms.

LSD, after the come up at least, always felt more comfortable for me. It’s energizing, it opens your mind up for more room to think. Digital is a good word to describe it for me. It makes me feel as though I am taking in way more information and I can understand how this abundance of data is coming in through my senses for my brain to process and for me to use, like a computer. It helped me feel in-tune with myself. Mushrooms on the other hand, I have to tread more lightly, they’re like a mental journey. They can easily be overwhelming, and has way more body load. Sometimes overwhelming nausea can be pretty rough at the start and once it passes everything just feels “heavy” for the rest of the trip. The mental space feels like a mixture of fluids that never combine, and you are floating within this turbulent soup of consciousness. If LSD is digital, mushrooms are like painting over a painting by candle light.

For whatever reason I get tailgated quite a bit, and it gets me worried that I’ll get rear-ended. So I do have a habit of keeping about a cars length between me and the person in front of me when I stop. Just to prevent a chain reaction if I did get hit. Not all the time, just kinda depends on the situation. There’s definitely a line between having a bit of wiggle room and an unnecessary amount of space.

I had constant closed eye visuals for like two years, every time i closed my eyes it was like a rainbow firework show. Over time it has faded to nothing, very occasionally get some tracers still.

This house I used to live in had those big power line towers behind the backyard. You can literally hear the electricity. Dropped a tab once on my own, went and smoked a joint back there and the static sound became overwhelming so I went back inside. I still heard the damn noise while i was inside, and was acting like a madman trying to figure out if I was just tripping or if i was legitimately still hearing something. Went in my room, turned off the lights, still heard the static. I pinpointed it to this power strip, turned it off and the sound stopped. I am to this day convinced I was hearing the electricity running in my house.

Team River Runner is a local veteran-founded group that organizes kayaking trips and outings, might be worth looking into.

NTA. If he needs a certain car to feel good about himself, then his priorities are all out of wack.

I just started dashing like a month ago, at first it was anywhere from $13-20/hr. Now I’m more familiar with the areas that are better to be in, and making anywhere from $20-$30/hr

Do you have orders pending review? Can see this under earnings statements on the earnings tab

Lovely idea man! Do you just have a massive seed collection that you won’t be able to utilize? I think it would be cool to keep up with the people that you send seeds to and get a couple grow updates and harvest pictures from them! I would love to participate, currently halfway through an autoflower grow and was going to take a break until next fall to save up for some nicer seeds but I’d love to cultivate something from your stash!

The answer to the following riddle will provide you with the information you seek (seriously): A true local knows there are but two places worthy of exchanging your coin for paraphernalia. The one you desire is not within the old heart of the burg. On days such as this you will find what you seek, for tomorrow may be too late.

This candle is excellent, good smells and long burn time. Honestly a solid gift/novelty item. Getting all of the wax out was not difficult, just be thorough and yes, isopropyl alcohol to finish it off. 10/10 Candle.

The bong is functional, but it is so wide-mouthed that I do not find it comfortable to smoke out of. Like i really gotta smoosh my face into this thing to make a seal good enough to take a rip. 6/10 Bong.

Totally get the flinch. I think my balls physically react as well as this overall cringe type feeling that’s like a quick pulse through my body. Testicles do have a sort of safety protocol, a scrotum will literally move on its own.

Dawg we have the exact same technique, great execution my dude. My best friend pearls the blunts but I take care of the joints, never really seen anybody else so quick with it. Definitely took a good bit of rolling over time to get the process smoothed out like this

D looks like the jet line, that lil black pump has to be turned off

Dollar tree is a great place to save some money on household necessities. Every time we go grocery shopping, we go to Dollar Tree to get stuff like bread, baking ingredients, condiments, toiletries, and whatever food stuff looks good. Then on to Aldi, get a good mix of food stuffs there. Then lastly to walmart to get whatever we couldnt get from the other two places. Makes for a lot of shopping but we’ve kinda figured out what is worth getting from which store and it saves us at least $100-$200 month going about it like this

Based on your pipe sizes, I would bet a 1-2hp variable speed pump would do the trick for both

Idk how big of an impact it has but the piping to the main pump’s input seems kinda confined to me this could cause the pump to “overwork”. By that i mean the extra pipe turn immediately before the input could restrict the flow some. It should just be vac line to skimmer line to main drain, take that first pipe turn and just go straight into the pump. Also not sure how necessary that booster pump is, i assume that is for a heater. Your pump style is definitely kinda older, that clamp holding the motor to the impeller housing tends to fail repeatedly in my experience. So, i would go for a variable speed pump cause they are naturally quieter but i would check your pump manual to see what the piping specs are in regards to my former point about the plumbing being confined

It serves the same purpose as backwashing, cleans the filter and increases its ability to filter. Regular backwashing reverses the flow of water to the filter, pushing the dirt and debris back to the top of the sand in the filter and that water goes out of the system through the waste line. With your setup and DE filter, there is no way to reverse the flow of water into the filter and out to drain through a waste line. You dont have the backwashing setup due to the nature of the DE filter and its cleaning process

You need to do some research on Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.) pool filtration. There is no backwashing, the filter grid is coated in diatomaceous earth that catches the debris. You would remove the grid, clean it and recoat it with fresh D.E.. D.E. needs to be handled with caution as it a very powdery and abrasive substance that will cause health concerns if inhaled or makes contact with the eyes.

Did a lot of xanax once, before and during an LSD trip. Kept things pretty calm, I would definitely say it changes your baseline so its really not that intrusive if your trip starts off in that space. The visuals were very strange though. Almost stepped on a slug coming out of the house and onto the back deck. For a moment, that slug appeared to be the size of a subway foot long and was very alien looking. People were looking mighty wispy too, like some glowing entities that wanted to be carried away by the wind but were sticking around by choice. Never seen those sorts of hallucinations before while just on LSD or even combined with cannabis. Ive gotten wavyness and fractal type stuff but nothing that was more than a little distortion of reality. The xanax baseline was relaxed and a bit more fluid