
It's pretty nice on a tri bike as you can shift from either position. It definitely is a noticeable benefit.

Deep rims will make you slightly faster. Di2 will make your ride more enjoyable.

I'm on the hoods maybe 90% of the time. I'm in the drops when I care about being aerodynamic.

Not only that, but the NFL caliber players on the NFL team all have several more years of experience and in the weight room.

If you still enjoy doing those things then there's nothing wrong with continuing to do them. If you don't, then stop. Just ride the way you want to.

I don't know. But if I was going to use the road, I'd make sure I was facing traffic.

You're supposed to use the side where you're facing oncoming traffic when you're on the road. In the USA, that is the left side.

I'm a runner and I definitely stick to sidewalks when practical. I've never understood people who choose to run on the road. If you're really worried about the surface, run on the grass.

Generally there are fewer laws for bikes than for motor vehicles. But the laws that are in place must be followed.

Not wrong, and I'm very much on the too much precaution is better than too little side of things. That is being overly paranoid.

I'm cool with fireworks a couple of times per year. Canada day seems like as good a time as any for them.

Pogacar seems like the most logical pick at this point. We'll certainly know a lot more after tomorrow's stage.

And then elected his drug dealer brother, who's only accomplishment was being related to our crack smoking mayor, twice.

Of all the people involved, it sounds like you were least at fault.

I can't believe how many times they pointed the rifle at people in the crowd. :)

You have some birds die, inconclusive results, and a small amount of trash is created after several years. Not exactly earth shattering issues.

The onus is on you to back your claim.

Do you have anything that actually indicates these are "big" problems?

Until the, "no" is sufficient.

He could still lose in theory. But, in reality it would be virtually impossible to gain significant time on him if he doesn't crash or something. All of the sprinters' teams are going to help chase any breakaway so a bunch sprint with everyone getting the same time is pretty much guaranteed.

You were keeping secrets about communications with your ex from your fiance.

Yeah, you're wrong here.