:min-1: Timberwolves

Bro David Lee won me a fantasy league with the best game of his career. He had 37/20/10 one game in 2010 and I squeezed out a victory cause of it. Never forget.

Sounds like it’d from the Stephen King novel

Go to /r/law and look around there.

Are you implying that this is how you’d spend your time?


For what it’s worth, I gave OP the benefit of the doubt and figured that the assumption was one someone else’s part, not theirs.

To think Donald Trump would ever see the inside of a prison cell is utterly fanciful and shows a naïveté that my six-year-old would mock. And I agree, this is on people who didn’t want to vote for Hillary. I didn’t love her but most people would have been a better choice than Donald Trump, that was plenty clear even in 2016.

Bro how can this fucking guy, this particular, stupid asshole just be allowed to run roughshod over 250 years of culture, law, and reason? In less than ten years he’s damn near undone the work of thousands of people with more talent in their pinky finger than his entire cursed bloodline has combined.

Does it help? Or just another instance of buffing boss with little benefit?

He probably also has secondary sources of income like appearance fees and sponsorships. I’m sure he’s got some endorsement deals that pay some amount.

:min-1: Timberwolves

ESPECIALLY if you factor in cringe. Kat is the king of Kringe and I don’t know anything about Lauri so he can’t be that cringy.

:min-1: Timberwolves

So Kat is paid 14% more than Lauri. Is he at least 14% better than him? I’d say yes but I’m sure I’ll called a homer or worse by someone.

It’s not Germany because we haven’t got that many world class guys!

Fun fact: Oblak is cloud in Bosnian / Serbian / Croatian / Slovenian.

:min-1: Timberwolves

Denver not winning another title for 50 years is an acceptable outcome for a majority of their fans already, I’m sure, with the run they’ve had since the pandemic. They’ll savor these years for generations and anything that happens from here on out is gravy.

I think many people here just don’t interact with Englishmen. The sardonic nature of them is a thing of beauty to behold. Few people are as cynical about their team as the English are.


Yeah and people are still going to argue that, somehow, both sides the same. The “leftist” members of Congress regularly get primaried and beaten by moderate candidates. Look at Jamal Bowman. The republicans, meanwhile, are racing to see who can be more of an extreme radical. It’s really concerning.

Yeah I’ve been using it since the first few hours of the DLC when I obtained it. Very high poise and good stats compared to anything else with similar weight.

:min-1: Timberwolves

He scored 8 points against the defending champions in the playoffs not once but TWICE in less than 8 minutes.

Also acceptable! I think Colt, Brady, and Mason are the hot ones, personally.


Man it’s so fun going to the Cheesecake Factory®️ for dinner and then having a Starbucks®️ coffee and Shake Shack®️ treat afterward! It fills me up and gives me the energy I need to go shopping at J Crew®️ and Madewell®️!