trans LEFTS

Nope. It's a notation thing. You can even see that Cambridge Dictionary lists both notations for both UK and US English.

trans LEFTS

It is. The {eth}{th} suffixes are usually just used with 3rd person singular, and "I" isn't that. But again, that was kinda intended on my part :D

trans LEFTS

I'm not a linguist, I study anglistics which just includes linguistics, among literary studies and culture.

But yeah, linguists are wild. IPA is super useful though :3 and like I said, it's actually not wrong, Cambridge Dictionary uses it as well, it's a different style of notation, which I'm not used to. I'm used to [ʃ] for the sh-sound, which Cambridge had written down as the [sj]. But, if Cambridge uses that, it's likely not wrong, it's a different notation style, which I knew existed, but I don't know what it looks like.

trans LEFTS

It's super archaic to put the {-eth}/{-th} suffix on verbs, yeah. Thats kinda what I was aiming at, jokingly :D

trans LEFTS


trans LEFTS

"You just need confidence"-Mfers when I look into the mirror and feel ugly, feel like a piece of shit that can barely recognize itself and my self-destructive behaviour reels me in constantly because that's the only way I have to deal with my stress and my mental health problems:

trans LEFTS

One of these days someone has to write a paper on the use of these words from a linguistic perspective and I do not envy them

trans LEFTS


New Poster

There's some nuance here.

Overall the use of singular "they/them" for individuals of unknown gender or non-binary gender identities has been, in Linguistics, widely accepted and is considered standard english these days, both commonly spoken and academically written.

Now in this case, it's a meme, so it's not a medium that adheres entirely to traditionally "correct" english. It's important to differentiate between online language, common language, formal language and colloquial language. And while singular "they/them" is correct in all of them, other grammatical errors in this meme can be easily exempted due to the fact that it is internet language, which has a lot of different influences (African American Vernacular and colloquial American English being some of the biggest) that also introduce certain changes to what otherwise would be common grammar.

TL;DR: There's a lot to consider, but yeah, the use of they/them/themselves is correct

trans LEFTS

Wrong transcription, you will be banned to the land of yi

Edit: nvm just a different notation style. It is I who shalleth be banned to the land of yi

trans LEFTS

Yeah I can relate

Constantly feeling like an ugly piece of shit is a powerful dissuasion though

Hähähäh die SCHNEEFLOCKEN 😂😂😂😂

trans LEFTS

So I'm having linguistics rn and nah U'm out here searching for a crucifix made from diphtongues

Certified Boykisser ✅

I require this knowledge as well.

Certified Boykisser ✅

It'll take some time but yeah.

If you stay ciggie-free you'll likely set on a couple kilos of weight, but your skin'll gradually develop a more natural tone again. You'll have more stamina than before, better taste and smell. You'll cough less and breathe more freely.

How long exactly these things take is very different, but I'd assume you'll start noticing these (as well as significant symptoms of withdrawal) within a couple weeks. For the time being, stay strong and ciggie-free as much you can <3

Certified Boykisser ✅

Thats not how addiction works

Junge, hast du den Artikel mal gelesen? Es geht um Pupillenreaktionen auf Dopaminausschüttung, nicht einfach nur um Augen. Das heißt, es geht nicht an sich um die Augen, sondern um die Reaktion eines bestimmten Teils deines Auges.

Es geht darum, dass sich die Pupillen bei einem Glücksgefühl weiten, was bspw. durch eine Belohnung in einer spielerischen Erfahrung ausgelöst werden kann. Das würde normalerweise Glückshormone ausschütten, die als physische Reaktion u.a. die Pupillen erweiten lassen. Dr. Spoormaker hat dabei untersucht und herausgefunden, dass Menschen mit Depressionen eine schwächere Reaktion auf diese Glückshormonausschüttung haben, und je schwerer diese Depression ist, desto geringer die Weitung der Pupillen - was Sinn ergibt, da auf einer chemikalischen Ebene so fucking Depressionen funktionieren.

Ist ein total interessantes Thema, hat mit dem Bild aber einen scheiß zu tun. Du hast nichtmal ein Video, du hast ein stationäres Bild. Du hast keine Ahnung wovon du redest, aber erstmal ne Diagnose raushauen anhand eines fucking Bildes. Erstmal fett ne Diagnose mit Ursache raushauen, weil du findest dass die Augen ein bisschen traurig aussehen.

Du hast dein Wasser doch auch mitm Billiglack aus dem Baumarkt ersetzt, oder?

Natürlich ist mir das klar. So lange sind die Facebook Papers ja nicht her.

Ich bezweifele aber, dass du den seelischen Zustand mit so nem bs wie "die Augen sind das FENSTER ZUR SEEEEELEEEEEE!!!" erkunden kannst. Hast keine Ahnung wer das ist, aber erstmal ne Runde Küchenpsychologie, das ist immer toll.

Also wenn die Augen auf nem Bild leben, dann war dein Nutella-Brot glaub ich nicht mehr gut

That is so wild to me, a German. We have 3 times as many colleges than prisons on a national scale

trans LEFTS

Huh. Then i guess welcome back

trans LEFTS

No, about gender relations in her music

trans LEFTS

This reminds me how one students introduction to a paper about taylor swift derailed my lecture about the british colonial empire in the 19th century for a solid 30 minutes total