People are stupid. I had people say the same thing about one of my labs which the breeder almost kept to show for herself


He’s a typical sprinter. You look on YouTube and you can find the same opinions on Cavendish, Kittel, and Sagan as well. Jasper just came of age on Netflix and was vilified with Jasper Disaster name. Sprinters have to be dicks. You’re trying to squeeze through a space less than two feet wide and closing while accelerating upwards to 40+ mph

I had the Stages Ultegra as well but it died. No amount of new batteries would help. I could send it back but I went ahead and got power meters in the pedals. I looked at Assioma Favero but I like Speedplay Pedals. Yes the cost more but my LBS says he has no problems with Wahoo service and he is not familiar with Assioma. I went with Wahoo Powerplay pedals.

Covid was one reason, but I had also moved to a more conservative parish where there were a lot of cars with respect life bumper stickers, special Catholic license plates, Trump stickers and Catholic newspapers with articles about Trump’s Supreme Court. Then I went to confession after a long time off and other things and I got lectured by the priest and basically had to bargain down my sentence. After doing my penance I never went back. 63 years of being a catholic was enough for me.

These last few years have really been eye opening. The craziness the church did to my parents, my siblings my own family was ridiculous. My dad almost in tears being afraid of death and spending time in purgatory because of the sins of my brother. The hoops he went through to get his graves blessed in a non-catholic cemetery. I myself have been going back and forth between being an atheist or thinking there might be a God, but is it the God of Abraham, Jesus and Mohammed or the Great Spirit the American Indian. The Bible is full of contradictions on how to pray and act but I have always liked Mathew 6:5

I don’t plan on going back to the RCC or even the Episcopal Church because of the ceremony but then again there was some comfort in the structure. So I guess I am just a mess but I do know I am done with the RCC

Peter Sagan also pulled a few stunts similar Jasper does. It all depends on how the officials see it. Look up some of Peter Sagan’s clips on YouTube


Archie and one of his many toys.

This has always been my favorite gospel. It’s ironic that the RCC uses it on Ash Wednesday

Training and socializing. Gary Larson of The Far Side Cartoon fame had a cartoon of a man sitting at a desk taking a test. The dog was watching. The caption said George knew that this was a breed of dog that would test him. That explains a Catahoula.

I’m so sorry 😢 for your loss, but you and your dad shared great music together in n the end and you will have that hopefully good memory to remember him by. Hugs my friend.

NTA. I am a male. My brother was about 9 years old older than me. I was his human punching bag. He was a physical abuser. He was bigger and stronger than my dad. He got his kicks out of holding pillows over my head at night.

His first two wives left him for abuse. His third wife was afraid to and he fired a gun at her. She found out she had cancer and told my sister that she welcomed it as a way out. He died of cancer himself. Fortunately he never had any daughters. I moved over 1,000 miles to get away from him.

Physical and sexual abusers are just one step away from doing it again even if they are in treatment. His wife needs to know.

Change it. It’s a good approach.

I was named after my dad but instead of being a junior they used my initials and put the Roman Numeral II after my name. I got used to it but never liked it. People always ask me what the initials stand for, why I don’t go by my first name, etc.? I wish people would give their kids normal names, not names the kids will have to explain or have made fun of.

Yes that’s whiskey in my coffee. It’s from the bottle in my drawer. It’s why I don’t spend money on supplies for the classroom anymore. It’s because your little demon seed has driven to drink!

If she doesn’t like don’t use it. How would you like it if she kept calling you dense or dumbass?

I missed today because I was sick with a migraine. I will try to catch it on replay. It’s so unusual to see the big mountains this early.

No, but they have super early buses as early as 4:30 or 4:00 am. Check their schedule.

Old Tricky Dick is saying he was elected and born fifty years too late and died too early.

I will add a third. A healthy athletic Labrador.