From a stay at home mom to single mom kicking ass and taking names as a Network Technician

I'm currently in my second month as a Network Technician at my company. I went back to college after getting divorced in my late 30s and having to figure my life out again. Here are some of the reasons my co-workers who interviewed me decided I was the one to hire:

- I admitted when I didn't know something during the interview. But then I went home, googled what they'd asked and wrote back with an e-mail what they wanted to know. This impressed both the IT team as well as HR.

- I was pleasant to EVERYONE, even the assistant who was scheduling the interviews. She later told me that I was the only one who'd treated her with respect and she was so thrilled I was hired. This should be a no-brainer, but I guess not.

- On my LinkedIn profile I leaned into my time as a stay at home mom, focusing on the soft skills I learned while at home with the kids: Planning, organizing, communicating, etc. The network engineer I took over from, who was also part of the interview process told me that he LOVED this on my resume and even called his wife over to read it. It's not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but you're not going to be working for everyone. Just one company.

- I acknowledged that I still needed to learn a lot even though I had my CCNA and Associate's degree. I hadn't touched Palo Alto or Solarwinds. I showed that I was open to learning everything.

Because of this the company rewrote the position to fit me, acknowledging that I was still in training and they were happy for me to continue training while working for them. To quote my boss: "They could train me the way they wanted me to be trained and I didn't come with any bad habits from previous jobs."

I realize my company is one in a million, and I'm so thankful I found them. But I think acknowledging what would normally be a giant gap on my resume, and drawing the positive I learned in that time helped a lot in getting my foot in the door.

Edit: OMG! I didn't expect it to blow up like this! Y'all are wonderful! I wanted to share it because before I got this job I was really down and felt I'd never get a job in IT. If these tips can help anyone get past that first interview and into the second one, and then a job, that would make my day.


Therapy. Doing stuff that makes you feel good about yourself. Stop and realize you're a good human and you're really good at <interest stuff here>. Exercise. Going outside. Getting older and realizing everyone is just winging it.

Get out of my head!

I'm on year 35. And I had my period every 2 weeks, so I went to see an obgyn, got something that was supposed to help. Got my period for continuous 5 weeks instead. 🫠

Costco pharmacy were the ones that had it for me.

Trust me, I've been working for 10+ years on this problem. I'm thrilled to finally be facing it. 💕

Random thought, but if they're supposed to be foot friendly, perhaps they've got aeration in the soles, which lead to bubble formation with the movement of your feet? Or did it actually feel slippery like soap would?

I have a "problem". I've been plus sized for so many years, but I'm about to go down into regular sizes, and I don't know where to get new underwear. 😭

So, my immediate perception would be: dang, she's never had good sex, and even though I'm not lesbian, I'd be down for trying to get her off multiple times.

NGL, I didn't have any great sex until after my divorce. Makes me realize that I don't want to be celibate for the rest of my life. However, before that amazing sex, I was perfectly happy just plodding along being a single mom.

I hope not. I'm coming up on 8 years divorced. I've tried dating a handful of times, but I have the kids 80% of the time. And then trying to juggle the schedules with a single dad, I've just given up. My kids are older now, and especially my oldest is encouraging me to get out there and date again. 🥹

As a TACOS certified person, do you know what makes the best tacos toppings? 🤤

It's so good. My kids are 13 and 15. They didn't grow up on Bluey, however, I've sat down to watch it, and they'll join me.

Hey o! Another resurrecting this thread. I had my Mirena inserted May 1st. I bled for 6 weeks straight and had really bad lower back pain. I attributed it to the period and decided to keep going. Once my period stopped, the back pain was just getting worse. Then, finally today I had it removed (2 months later) and this evening I do not need a painkiller, for the first time in 2 months.

So, I'm going to be honest with you.

I had my IUD inserted May 1st. I've never given vaginal birth. The ob gyn had trouble getting it in, and it was about 10 minutes of fiddling down there, trying to open my cervix for the insertion. It was painful, but I kept breathing through the pain and that helped manage it.

Knowing what I know today, I'd ask the person (doctor/nurse) inserting it to numb the cervix. They can do that now. Especially since we've not given vaginal birth.

So ask around and make sure they make you feel comfortable. I wish I had done that.

To add on to this: some doctors will numb the cervix before inserting it.

I love Weird Al. I've seen him in concert twice!

Tell your dad that this Certified Wireless Network Professional (aka I know stuff about cellphones and wireless technology) says these stickers are a scam.

First off, this seems to be an opinion piece. Second, they have basic facts wrong, such as the US not calling it Wegovy. Either that, or the stuff in my fridge is a lie. And there's no cake there. Third, this person got severe side effects. That happens and it's good that they had a journal so they could piece two and two together.

Take this article as a cautionary tale of perhaps a side effect that's not often spoken about.

Yep! I get my meds there. Plus they apply manufacturers coupons to your meds if they're available. No need to mail in anything.

Yeah, this is me here. Today I had a half a portion of pasta (28 g dry) and I was totally satisfied with that. (Of course I had sauce and a bit of cheese on it)

I've worn a blood glucose monitor for 10 days, as I am/was pre diabetic. During this time I drank diet soda and my insulin remained within normal. Ironically the day I had the "best" curve was the day I had take out.

Anyway, here are scientific studies showing that artificial sweeteners do not increase insulin levels

At the bottom of this article are a bunch of links, and the conclusion is a resounding: meh

Basically, don't shame people for opting for a. Having a "non diet approved" drink or b. Choosing to follow what they deem valid medical research as opposed to what you seem as valid medical research.

Oh no! My 0 calorie pop! Whatever will happen to my diet?!?

To answer OP's question: in my case it tastes the same. I've also still got the same sweet tooth. But I've read that for some people there can be a change.

Been a girl my entire life, this is fr how we work.

Now excuse me, I've got to pull my nails out.