There exists different sizes for QR codes for more data but I think most devices just read the standard size. I'm not sure how resolution is handled

I guess back then it was just direct sequels and stuff but the writing was on the wall (for them not giving a shit)


I think they mean the age of adulthood in WW is 12, but whether that's the age of OOT Link or not is completely lost to time

I just realized why they give you the glider so late

No way they made it real

PC randomly freezing when not used for a bitTech Support

Started about a month ago on my personal desktop. Sometimes when I leave my PC alone for a bit (at least when it seems to happen). Even happens on the login screen. I basically have to restart from the power button to get out of it. Even happens on the login screen.

Windows is kept up to date (OS Build 19045.3693), and specs are here. CPU is getting a bit old (i7-8700k)

I've tried running Karhu memtest and furmark to check RAM and GPU and they seem fine. I've run prime95 and it seems one thread consistently fails. It may be my CPU as I have overclocked a bit in the past but kept nothing that would give prime95 errors and it has a decent AIO on it. Windows event logs doesn't give anything in particular (those COM Server application warnings, and an Error when I force restart but that's everything notable, and the Warnings happen even when it doesn't freeze).

I'm guessing it's my CPU but anyone have any other troubleshooting tips? Thanks!


Any tips on getting temps down? Running Silent/Eco with screen on Auto. CPU boost is disabled and power is set to 70W. Still idles around 60°C

(New User)

Anyone trying to buy this and having their payment fail? I've tried different cards and computers

Just got Henson AL-13, Still Bleeding

I've been wet shaving for a while but I still don't really know how to get a clean shave without irritation. I'm pretty sure my hair is coarse and my skin is really sensitive, I don't think I've ever shaved at home without bumps or bleeding (unless I do a quick WTG but I'm not happy with those). I usually get razor bumps/burn on my neck and bleed a bit, so I decided to get the Henson, as it seemed idiot proof.

Today after a hot shower, I applied proraso pre-shave, and used Nivea sensitive skin gel. Using the rk blades I did a 3 pass but I still keep getting caught on my neck and chin. It might be my technique but today I was trying to be really careful and gentle with the blade, but I still get a ton of irritation trying to do XTG or ATG. Also, the Henson leaves so much hair behind, I think it's a mix of the mildness and lack of feedback. Any ideas? I also feel like canned shaving cream makes it hard to tell what you're doing and gets caught in the razor gutters but maybe it's not that important.


First party games rarely get a price drop, so you may just have to hit up a sale

Even through WW and TP they explained how those connected in interviews, and SS is obvious. It's only really some of the handheld games that are murky

I think it's more likely for that to be part of whatever sealed him there in the first place

I don't think there's really a lot of good evidence to suggest the loop to SS. Besides that, it doesn't really seem like Nintendo's style (this could be the exception though, given BotW). It does seem much more like their style to just use the events of 10,000 years before BotW, and be referencing that to keep the game relatively self contained and keep future doors open

Same here. Deleting the partial PS4 install every day

I wanna say two years now.

That toy car method works for maybe an hour then it goes back after.

But yeah I was thinking of replacing the sensor or something. Not sure though usually solder points in stuff like this are super tiny

Thanks for the tip on balance. I'll check that out