My brother in law, and one of his friends tried a macro dose of psilocybin recently, and neither of them felt anything at all. Both of them were on either an SSRI or an SNRI for an extended period of time. My BIL was on effexor, I'm not sure what his friend was on. It's been 8 months since my BIL used his medication, and 3 years for his friend.

We're not doctors, but we're thinking the long term use of the medications has damaged the receptors in their brains, which is why they had no effect. Would micro dosing be worth it for them? If the receptors aren't working, would they still be able to benefit from the neurogenic effects of micro dosing? I know there's a variance in potency of mushrooms, even if they're picked from the same flush. But 3.5 grams should have had some effect, even if it was small. Both people are saying they felt absolutely nothing at all. Any insight here?