Question about Gus' cover story related to when Hank had him brought in. Gus says Gale reestablished contact in order to get money, and Gale had come to the restaurant and then invited Gus to dinner the next night.

Now we know Gus had a calendar he carried around that detailed some events and places he went.

  • Gus had an alibi for the night Gale ended up being killed (and the night Walt was supposed to die)

  • Gus did not know what would be asked about when ABQ Detective had Gus meet him for questioning.

  • Gus would not have had an alibi set out related to whenever Gale showed up at the restaurant and would not have had an alibi for the following night when Gale took him to dinner -- if the detectives had asked for dates, he perhaps could not show any indication of having met with Gale either of those nights

  • Wouldn't Gale have had to buy stuff that would appear on a credit card for whatever day Gus said they went to dinner? Or if Gus paid, it would show on his credit cards if the story was true. If Gus meant "dinner" was himself bringing chicken to Gale's apartment

He obviously had plans the night that Gale ended up dying, but he wouldn't have known he would need to account for the previous couple of weeks. I guess Gus was lucky no follow up questions were asked?

It just feels like this story could have been torn apart more easily lol