that's something to consider before having kids. If you are not okay with being only the second most loved person to your spouse than you probably shouldn't have them

NTA, your fiance is just dumb

the predicted "red wave" of 2022 that never happened. The dems performed much better than the polls expected

and weren't there a lot of polls since 2020 that severly underestimated the dems?

but not their voters. Just look at trumps primary results even after the haley dropout. There are gop voters who will switch to biden. I don't see it the other way round.

it's better to look at a state as a company. Debt that is used for investments with a higher return than the cost of debt is not just no problem - it's beneficial

not so fast. the dems might be doomed but the gop doomed itself too. Don't know which side is more doomed.

obviously that wasn't the case - or it would have evolved. Pleasant sex + hormons afterwards was seemingly enough to get more or less as many pregnancies as biologically possible

there are a lot of republicans disgusted by trump. Look at his primary results even after the haley dropout.

what russia does is conspiracy shit to present itself as the victim

the other way round. You chose a partner who was as toxic as your dad is

no. The alcohol just brought her true feelings to the surface. That's the real her.

lol she even tried her best to become a double single mother. NTA your friend should get therapy

you get a "what if" either way. there are tons of people who regret having kids. They just don't tell you face to face because it's a social no-no.

And besides this: That's a decision that requires two strong "yes" or it's a disaster in the making.

guess you are just anxious because a time window is closing. Really think about how your life would change and if you want that. And not just think about the fun parts

it seems a fascist takeover is the alternative to being woke

guess this person not voting made the country a little bit better

it creates a sunken cost fallacy. "I did no fun stuff for decades for nothing? That can't be right"

I think it's absolutely clear why it was a dealbreaker and you're right, it really is a dealbreaker. Carrying the picture around to dates is a clear sign that you would always come second after her dead husband. No need to apologize.

people usually gravitate to the same type of partner again and again. You probably encountered tons of emotionally mature men. It's just not the type you are attracted to so you ignore them. I guess the subtle hints of being problematic is what makes you interested.