Wasn't sure to put this under story or social media, but here goes:

I am from rural NC, and have been raised in a devout Methodist family. Do good to others, love Jesus, love neighbor, etc.

I took that to heart into my adult life, which is why I am now a very leftist person in my beliefs. Furthermore, because of this I despise Donald Trump not just politically and morally, but on a spiritual level. He is the antithesis of everything I was raised to believe. You would think my family, the people that raised me to believe these things, would see this plain as day too, but oh heavens no.

Anyways, I'm a very vocal person, and share a lot of stuff to my stories on Facebook and Instagram. Most notably about the Supreme Court's recent decision. My boomer aunt (great-aunt) comments a lot on my posts, and did so the same this time, accusing Biden of allowing "rapists to come over the border and rape our women." And then on and on about Trump already being immune or whatever.

I had had it. So I went in on her, and on her false messiah. I brought up sources on why he's bad, all he's said, how he ruined us on the economy, Afghanistan, COVID, the insurrection, just everything. And finally brought up him now being a convicted felon, and a rapist.

Her response? "I don't care if he did do it. I don't believe her story, and if it did happen, it wasn't rape, it was sexual assualt."

Like...do you hear yourself woman?? Is that what you really think Jesus wants?? And especially if you're going to start the conversation with "Biden let the rapists in" then you're not only disgusting, but a RAGING hypocrit.

I told her as much. That what she said is disgusting, that she is disgusting, that he is disgusting. And that I know just how God feels about people like that. But I am floored by these people. People I grew up hearing preach on and on about the Good Word and to live by those and to follow the Man who said them. But they have traded that message for one stained in orange and decadence it seems. I am both so angry and sad. I love my aunt, and I once respected her, but this was a whole different level.

Sorry for the rant, but thanks for being here. Anyone else experience older family turning their backs on everything they once believed?

Edit for typos