On the first wipe, definitely YTA. However, if you wiped another two times, at that point I'd say go right on ahead.

My mom has eczema, and they literally sent her to a mental hospital when she was younger because she was scratching so much. (Then, as I understand it, the doctors there gave everyone else flat looks like dude, she's not crazy, she's just super itchy.) It's so itchy.

Right? And also, like, is there some traumatized girl out there? Or was he actually kinda sane for a little while? Or was it some kinda transaction? Or did some girl actually force herself on him? I want to know!

Yeah, if it was a disability, he'd have come out with that from the beginning. "Sorry, I know it'd be better to do xyz, but I have this issue that makes it tough for me to do that." or something.

Yup. I'm positive I'm going to mess up with my daughter in some way. My hope is that I'll at least manage to do it in a different way that will, with any luck, be less bad.

Dripping with semen that the girl then scoops up and shoves inside herself. Because I don't see it happening any other way.

I'm a mentor, and I've been playing since the game came out, and I still forget stuff. Don't stress. Some people suck, and I'm so sorry that you've encountered them, but I think in most servers the community has gotten pretty darn decent, so hopefully you'll have more positive experiences than not. I do recommend finding a friendly FC, because your FC can be a great resource for people to help out with stuff. 

Mine was a "yay I have another excuse to bake a cake!" visit from the grandparents. I'll take whatever excuse to bake a cake.

Think it depends if the wedding/baby shower/gender reveal party is an event where the people hosting it *expect* everyone to bring gifts. If they're absolutely not expecting presents, then I think that doesn't count as a gift grab. But there are a lot of people who would be like "wtf everyone?" if people didn't bring gifts...... and that makes those even gift grabs.

(I'm not saying that people should or shouldn't bring gifts. It's just about whether you honestly just want to celebrate or whether you're actually expecting gifts.)

It's fair enough to have assumed (though you really should have confirmed just in case), but now you know that that's a thing for her and her friends.If you just expressed disappointment but otherwise accepted that and moved on, then NTA. However, the "big deal over nothing" part makes me wonder what that big deal looked like. 

SAME! I only even clicked on this like "what on earth are they even talking about?" because my brain just reads ED as first erectile dysfunction and then, if not that, ending (like ending theme to a show).

Gosh darn it, I can't drink my coffee cuz I'm crying too hard. Stupid Hibike. Why you gotta make me feel T_T I'm so happy for you guys.

From someone who made the same move, not all places here come with AC.

Not even when said daughters dislike their mum. I still remember my mom finding my dad's porn collection and crying, and my main thought was "man, if you can't handle this, you do not want to find some of the other stuff he's got hiding." 

That will give me an idea of how much the boiling part hurts, but does that level of pain continue the entire 35-45 seconds or do the nerves die off first? How badly does drowning hurt in comparison? I've heard it called one of the most painful deaths, but I don't know if they're comparing it to your average deaths people are likely to experience or if they're including things like, well, being boiled alive in there too.

As soon as I saw her eyes glaring like two angry raisins stuffed in her fat french pastry looking face

I love this description so much.

You aren't drowning the lobster though, you know. You're boiling it. Admittedly, having never experienced either death, I couldn't say for sure which is more painful. 

Shadowflax carries the relics I'm working on and all the stuff for those relics.

Lobsters spoil quickly after death... but not so quickly that you can't kill them and then cook them immediately. It's just that killing them by cooking them is much easier.

Might want to post a picture on the oddlysatisfying subreddit once you're, you know, sure you're not dying. (Thanks Dr. Google, for always offering up that option.)

I was around that age when I asked my mom what sex was. She got as far as "It's when a man and a woman" before I covered my ears and ran out the door going NEVERMINDIDON'TNEEDTOKNOW.

I still don't know why that was my reaction, really.