Depends on at what latitude you’re standing.

Edit: I see that the disagreements have to do with the meaning of the OP’s original post. I interpreted it to mean that at any time, whether moving or standing still, you are that distance. In this case it would depend on what latitude you are standing because you are factoring in the earth’s rotation on its axis. But I guess other people are thinking of it as if you walk in any direction and you were to measure that distance in a direct line it would be the earth’s circumference. Which is, like no duh.

It’s called a narrative. It’s used by subscription sites to sell clicks. Most all of the “experts” are just regular Joes like you and me and just throw a lot of crap on the wall to see what sticks. If anything ever does they point to that as evidence of their expertise.

Unfortunately, we have the electoral college system so overall popular numbers don't tell the whole story. It looks much worse in the battleground states...

It's a legalized scam. I've been towed even with registering for a parking in an apartment complex. Towed in a no parking zone with no signage, etc.

Unfortunately his people pressed Trump to debate. This was his own campaign’s idea. If he stays in he needs new campaign leaders.

Unfortunately, student debt is about to become one of the least of our problems.

Man, the metric system is really strange.

There is an upscaled “HD” version out on YouTube of the full show. Most parts look better than the DVD but it’s not full HD.

Worlds best cables Mogami 2549 are the best I’ve heard for my system. Get them for $35 on Amazon. I’ve tried more expensive ones and didn’t like them as much. I also like Chord Cleaways, but they’re a little more pricey and you have to import them from the UK.

Yes, cables DO make a difference on my $15k system. But no, you don’t need $1000 cables unless maybe you have a $100,000+ system.

Epoxy in a lag bolt. Let it cure before tightening.

If you follow his Twitter account you’ll find out he’s one of the biggest pieces of **** that walked the earth. **** that guy.

OMG where is this? I need to drive over and stare.

When I was young I had a crush on Sally Field and Mary Tyler Moore, when I got older I was lucky enough to marry a woman who is a combination of those two lovely ladies. Don’t be jealous ;)

If only the camera guy would make the shot a little more shaky I could believe it as an authentic behind the scenes shot.

In many ways this is already Nazi Germany. And most people don’t care.

If you ever find the answer let me know. Seriously hate Apple these days.