Think I give a fuck when I talk to you fuckers. Gotta dumb it down so 99 percent of you fucks can keep up.


sorry for the caps. Haven't been drunk on here yet. Adds a whole new dynamic.

Don't even. I'm gonna break character here. If your a sub. I'd read ya you fucking jerk off. You seem alright ❤️

Look we did fucking science together. I guess we r friends.

Don't forget being an ignorant fuck and not saving any money and letting your country go to corporations.

You know what. Fuck you. YOURE THE WORST SUB

I got og ff7 when I was 8. Advent children was cool to watch but yea it's boring. I'm surprised ff movies are boring as fuck.

There's that ff ghost spirit movie I finally watched like 5 years ago and that shit was awesome. As a kid it looked dumb but yea I was a dumb kid. Spirits within? And roz Doyle's in it.

Your stupid ass kid with an underdeveloped brain should focus on school. Not throwing a ball at a thing, it's pointless in alot of ways

Funny cuz your comment makes me horney as fuck, then I saw your name. Cool we horney peeps. Yo just masturbate that's what I do when I wanna cry.

I mean you can get an egg and compare dipshit. It's not like an enigma with no tangible answer.

Mods. Lol for fuck sakes. Mod stands for fat fucking virgin who lacks power or control in real life, lives in their parents basement and will never feel a tit.

Shut the fuck up and go complain about some political party that ur mad at while ur own side you bow to fucks you without lubing up.

It's nice of you to be kind you fucking god damn fuck. Thanks for being positive but like fuck you still punk

Bro if my dick was 2 inches, I'd still fuck better than you. And your mom and gf would both tell you.

Yea it sucks. Not even gonna lie. Once the other shittier one came out about the college or whatever I was like yea this really is stupid.

Was cool at first but yea. Hate that shit.

I'm not wasting any time typing for you fucking dip shits. Sorry assface

His dick better be bigger than that broom stick that bitch of a jozzmopper uses. I'll suck that fucking janitors dick clean off and leave him wanting more but he can't cuz dicks gone.

My mom says my dick is huge so I dunno. Maybe she's bias.

Just don't go cummin in your mom. I'm stuck with this weird ass looking and acting baby now.

The e stands for Erect cock

Hahahaha you're a cockasaurous and I think this comment is great.

Damnit. I don't have kids yet but I don't have the funds to make a time machine.if I have kids they're fucked.

Haha beat you. Just cut my balls off!!; Idiot!!!

Fucking damnit! Went my whole life without catching that. bring on ur dad. I'll do whatever he wants.

Edited about catching gayness.

Welcome and fuck off you stupid fuck.