I’m scared of losing my self

I lost my leopard gecko on Christmas and then the other day my bunny was killed by my dog, I called out of work to deal with getting him cremated and to take a mental health day. I got fired. I feel like I can’t catch a break and I’m worried for my mental health and then today my husband got a call that his grandpa had emergency surgery. How can I be there for him when I can’t even control my feelings


My husbands grandma yelled at me today I recently lost my bunny well yesterday to my dog killing him. I don’t wanna go to work. I work with autistic kids. I lost my last job because I had a mental breaks down while at a kids house. I don’t think I can handle working 9-3 tomorrow. His grandma told me it’s just a bunny I don’t need to be this sad about it and told me I’m weak for not going to work. It is wrong for me to need time for my self

When my dog died I knew he was dying they told me we had 6 months and he died 10 days later but I made a bucket list so I could spend the time I could

I miss my bunny

Yesterday morning my bunny got out of his room some how and my dog got him and killed him. I didn’t see it cause my mom and boyfriend got to it before i did got there before me and didn’t want me to see my dead pet. But I hate my dog, I don’t wanna hate the dog, I loved my dog before so much but now I want nothing to do with him and every time I see him I just remember my mom screaming and my boyfriend screaming no no no. How do I move on from this. How do I forgive Earl(the dog) I don’t wanna hate him I feel bad for hating him because he clearly wants my attention and my love. I can’t stop blaming my self too. I shut the door to his room but some how it got opened maybe I didn’t shut it good enough. My bunny was 9 I had him since he was born. I miss him so much and I feel so terrible for how he went. How do I move on and forgive my self and Earl. I just wanna be okay


So I’m a sever at a very busy very popular restaurant. I’ve been training for a couple days now. Today was a very busy day where I worked. I was still in training but my trainer was not by me to help me at all she was actually taking her own tables and I was taking mine as well. Well we worked on a party table together and the person who handed her the tip told her to separate it between us. She didn’t which kinda upset me since I took care of most of it because she was dealing with another table, but it is what it is. Well I took about 4 more tables completely on my own no help from my trainer what’s so ever. I actually had to hunt her down several times for her swipe card so I could put the orders in but that was it she had her own tables as well so it wasn’t like she was losing out on money. Well a table handed me $15 in cash as a tip. I told them that it would be going to my trainer and not me. They said no they want it to go to me since she didn’t help me and I did all the work while she worked on her own table( they knew I was in training because I said it when I introduced my self to the table). I kept it anyway. I feel really bad for keeping it even tho she made $224 that night which is as she said a lot more then she usually make on a Monday because I also took tables. So aita for taking the cash tip.

Edit I forgot to add she also makes $18 an hour training me on top of her tips and I only make 12 an hour
