Indian contract employee contribution to the project right there.

I made a bunch of the skins shown here, haha! I was once known on the internets as BBX and was the Creative Director and Lead Artist of The Skins Factory from 2002 until 2018. I made the Batman skin, the Alienware skins, a bunch of these things. Building these was probably the funnest job ever, wouldn’t even call it work. Glad to see people still enjoy them! Cheers!

And the libidiots are still voting for him. How very American of them.

Yeah. Outsourcing all good American tech works to hunga dunga hingy dingy people in India is going to be the downfall of all these tech companies. They're sacrificing quality and the future of the entire company so that line will go up today.

Thank god. This is the last thing we need right now with record inflation is people with MORE money.

I will always be against limiting people's freedoms. This is one that should be protected federally.

Doesn't matter. Every one is struggling and struggling hard under Biden. Under trump people thrived.

Libs minds exploding because no way Texas can be good

The article really sums it up for me: a bunch of idiot libs who are crap people left together and realized they are the problem, not the state.

Countries will do anything other than ban guns to stop gun vio- oh. Oops.

Yeah, in countries where guns are banned there's never been shootings. Gun free zones are also amazingly effective. The bad guys just sigh and walk away.