My wife and I drove to Toronto. Not doing that again. 

We had a great time, but the traffic is awful. 

  1. Michael Phelps dies by drowning. Kid wins.

  2. Kid wins against Phelps blindfolded corpse.

  3. Kid wins against Phelps handcuffed corpse.

I don't think he wants to play the majority of an NBA season at the 5.

Yes. They certainly aren't favorites in the east, but they have a reasonable shot at winning chip.

How would they go about doing that?

Hold out? Good luck with that. The fines are coming. 

Oh you played out your contract.... here come the franchise tag. Guess what, we can franchise tage you next year, and the year after that.

So now you've played 8 seasons. You're damn near 30. Half of your career is over.

Or you could just sign this contract for more than a hundred million dollars. 


Tbh Shaq or even Moses would worry me more than anything. Kareem never liked to bang.

This team has good length, but lacks power in the middle.

Now I don't think entry passes will be easy.

Offensively this team is putting buckets on everyone. 

Well, New Yorkers won't have to worry about the rising sea levels.

Sports is one of the few things people watch live in great numbers.

So sports is valuable to advertisers.

At some point we will find the limit. We haven't found it yet 


If he does, there is no hall of fame. Only a hall of good. 

Well there is a way. 

Its the same way things got this way in the first place.

I recommend reading The Dictators Handbook.

It's an interesting book with a different take on how politics work.

Politics is how people change the world.

Whether or not you decide to participate. 

There is such a mandate. 

Thats what taxes are.

I agree that we should tax corporations and high incomes more.

Personally I'd take the United States revenue act of 1964 and update it for inflation.  

It would at least be a place to start.

All religions. 

From Abrahamic to Buddhist to Shinto to Scientology. 

Any others I haven't mentioned. 

All religion is a pox upon humanity. 

Economies don't work that way.

"Deserves got nothin to do with it."

The entertainment market is largely an actual market. 

This isn't like CEO pay where a lot of what is happening is politics.

The NBA generates the revenue, then splits it between owners and players.

No one is forced to consume any entertainment,  let alone specific types.

I believe that there are politics pushing down on teacher pay, but even if you remove them teachers wouldn't be able to teach enough people to get a million dollars worth of value in a year.

Entertainers can. 

If you want teachers to make that kind of money, figure out a way to have one teacher teach a million people in a year.

This will put the vast majority of teachers put of a job.

Only people I see talking about here are people complaining about people talking about her.

If it wasn't every religion would have to close every church and temple.