After learning that the pedophile rapist Steven van de Velde, yes that Steven van de Velde, the man who raped a twelve year old girl, was going to be sponsored by Denham I emailed them with my concerns. This was their response:

Dear Mountain Cry,

We would like to thank you for your response.

Since DENHAM THE JEANMAKER is the fashion partner of NOCNSF and TeamNL and we support all athletes through apparel, we would like to share the statement from NOCNSF and Team NL regarding Steven van de Velde. Statement from NOC*NSF and TeamNL: We see that the renewed publicity about Steven van de Velde evokes many emotions. We understand that because the facts at the time are very serious.

A lot has happened since then. Steven van de Velde served his sentence and then went through an intensive process with specialists, including the probation service. In this process he has shown growth and change in a positive sense. It has been determined by relevant experts that there is no chance of recidivism. In 2018, 4 years after the crime, he has told about his transgression and the consequences in a number of interviews. (Here you can see the interview he gave to NOS). The national volleyball federation Nevobo and also NOCNSF have critically followed Steven van de Velde's development and emphatically followed expert advice. In doing so, the Guidelines integriteitsverleden were followed. These describe the conditions athletes must meet to get a second chance after a conviction. He has been given one; he has been competing in international sports for several years now. He has never disappointed his supervisors, the federation or the NOCNSF.

Based on all the considerations described above, NOC*NSF honored his qualification and nominated him for the Olympic Games in Paris. We hope to have thus informed you of the choice made after careful consideration.

Met vriendelijke groet, Kind regards,

Team DENHAM Customer Service

This is the email I sent that elicited this response:

To whom it may concern,

I am a UK citizen. I have been informed that your company is sponsoring and outfitting the Dutch Olympic Team during the 2024 Olympics.

The Dutch Olympic Team has as a member of its volleyball team, Steven van de Velde.

In 2016 this man was convicted of the rape of a 12 year old British girl, and instead of justice he got a slap on the wrist for it.

A four year sentence of which only a year was served is an absolute disgrace and diservice to his victim.

I am extremely concerned about the message your sponsorship of this man as part of the Dutch Olympic Team sends to his victim, and other child sexual abuse survivors.

I ask on her behalf, and on the behalf of all child sexual assault survivors that you drop your sponsorship of the Dutch Olympic Team, and refuse to outfit them unless Steven van de Velde is removed from their Olympic squad, to send a message to the international community that your company does not condone, support, or turn a blind eye to the irreparable harm this man has done to this young woman.

Thank you for your time.

Yours faithfully,

Mountain Cry.