That show never should have aired. It's what dumb people think smart people act like.

It blows me away that people watched either of these shows. My step-dad would watch Two and a Half Men. I remember watching half an episode and just eye-rolling the entire time. Such garbage entertainment.

Animated shows can kinda just go on forever.

If he’s unattractive, then I’m blessed that my wife loves me.

Give him 3 years. Convicted pedophile. These super religious folks just want to fuck kids.

So does every person who has lived since the Industrial Revolution. Roman Empire wasn’t known for burning fossils.

My dog has a bigger carbon footprint than the Roman Empire.

Yea. It’s not accurate. It’s hyperbole… the opposite of accuracy.

Have you ever stood next to someone 5”- 8” taller than you?

He’s immune to all laws. Why not assassinate all opponents?

He should just do it to prove the absurdity of the SCOTUS ruling.

Yea. Thats not accurate to what’s portrayed in the video.

I’m 37. Guys in the 1920’s said “ultimate slam”

I now understand you’re a troll account, but fuck are you bad at it.

I mean… I’m 37. You can check my post history. I posted my face on Reddit when my wife shaved my head. 11/22/86. I’m happy to post my DL. Will you do the same?

Also, am I a boy who should repeat the 8th grade or a 73 year old man? You’ve claimed I’m both. Which is it, retard?