
I don't think Whitmire wants there to be a need for them either...

The problem is just much more complex than throwing money at it.


This is so true. The real proof in their new recipe is that my kid absolutely LOVES going to B&N. The books are well-curated and they've got an impressive selection of toys and games that have some educational value.

Taco de Oro for Mexican food. Get the birria.

Why not maintain all these things while you live there in the first place?

There's room for both of these scenarios to be true.


Roostar on Gessner is incredible.

I don't really cast blame. Lots of circumstantial stuff can happen. I will say that it has always taken effort to climb the ladder. Like it or not, applying for a job is a competition, and one has to stand out.

And yes, I have gone through extended periods of unemployment. It's absolutely brutal. And don't forget that age discrimination absolutely becomes a thing as people get older.

I believe every stat you mentioned about minimum wage, but the first thing someone should be thinking about if they're working for minimum wage is how are they going to get off of the minimum wage. The idea behind a salary is you want to create enough value for a company (or yourself if you're self-employed) that you command higher than minimum wage anyways.

Is your point that people who still need to work should stop?

I'll be out of the way once I retire, and then y'all can have it.

You'll also be lifted up with time because the generation behind you will be in the same entry-level situation we're talking about now. After all, you will have started climbing.

Last piece of unsolicited advice. If you aren't looking for your next job that puts you in a better position about every 3 years then I suggest being more aggressive.

Good luck.

There are already border laws. Why not just enforce the ones already on the books? Or why not present a revised border bill that wasn't contingent on funding two unpopular wars?

And yes, before you say it, Republicans absolutely play these same stupid games with omnibus bills when they're in charge.

Old person here. Hourly workers had shitty cars, roommates, and ate tons of peanut butter sandwiches in the 1970s too. Entry-level help at a grocery store has never been a "living wage" job. It's incumbent on all of us to learn basic skills at entry-level jobs so we can move on up.

No. Market responded to everyone suddesnly having easy access to college. If everyone has a college degree its value is zero. That's not where we are, but we have reduced the value of a college degree. At the same time, we're guaranteeing college loans. It's a brutal system.

For a lot of people, the skilled labor has a ceiling so they have to move to management to keep moving up.

This is very backwards logic. In fact, in my world, many of the "top people" who moved into management were terrible managers even though they were awesome at their job before that. Ruins a perfectly good career.

White House Press Sec's have always been the president's liar.

Your managers want to hire people they want to manage. Meanwhile, they're going to hold you accountable for the people they hire. Bad situation.

I interpreted your response as two people, employee and employer, entered into a voluntary agreement. In this case, hours of work for money. At any time, either one is free to end the deal.

My attitude when I show up to work is that my next 8 hours are bought and paid for. I generally don't care what I'm asked to do as long as its safe and ethical.

This is a fair response, and I take your point.

The last bit I'd offer up is that I'm under the impression that most of the populations in the Russian occupied territory of Donetsk and Luhansk actually support Russia. If that's the case, why not let them go instead of having so many people die over it?

And I get the slippery slope argument, but I hate it. It assumes the wars will be endless. For better or for worse, they won't be.

Ask yourself how the populaces of the countries of the other wars we've fought and funded over the last several decades view us these days.

And yes, we perpetuated it. Peace deal was on the table and Boris Johnson talked them out of it on behalf of the warhawks in NATO and the Military Industrial Complex.

They don't have the people to retake that territory. The average age of a Ukrainian soldier right now is 43 years old. That's because the eligible 25-40 year-olds have already been conscripted (which is a fancy way of saying government slavery) into the military and are mostly dead. An entire generation has been thrown in the military industrial complex's meat grinder.

Prediction. One day Ukrainians are going to reflect on how we perpetuated this losing war and they're going to hate us for destroying their families every bit as much as they hate Russia.