Amazing composition, great execution. It looks like you know what you doing, fabulous

Beautiful, great sense of light. I think only , are all the shadows should to go to the left?  The tree on the left side is ok, but those in the middle got light source behind them so shadow should to go down.

So that was about 7 years ago and I'm still not hooked up. I do what I want and I take the risk, when I  was drunk there was, no. I didn't know how dangerous it is, we have different shit popular in EU. 

It shouldn't be manual focused behind the filter and to get that blurred effect. Just asking

Someone gave this once. It wasn't my thing. Later when I told everyone about it their treated me like junky. Is it trying is that bad too?

Lesson learned. I'll try on my own, if everyone can understood, maybe I'm not gone be an exemption. Couple years ago I went to chill with some couple and the guy has fallout board game. That's was such a boring thing and we gave up on the begging. ;) 

Thank you, all has been noted down. I was mostly worried about learning process and time spent on it and later realizing, that there is no fun at all. On this videos was like learning new language again. ;)

Ok, this was a nice punch. I feel challenged now ;). Thank you

Thank you, that's sounds good. I didn't even know is it good. I was on sick for a couple of months and I had a lot of ideas. Buying this game and a professional kayak was going of the normal shopping plan. 

Only table game for me was poker ;). I've done loads of compulsive buying that years. I'll give a try again. 

Thank you. Ok, I'll give a try. The base is already in small box and I'll find some time and set everything up.  I think only problem is , I'm overwhelmed with all this figures, simplicity would be probably better for me, but that's not the fun ;).

Thank you. I have the whole set with all the expansions. I already unpacked everything once and i separate base from the expansions. I'll give a try than and later will decided what to do.

Thank you for a honest opinion. To be honest it was a lot of money ;). I never spent that much on any game.

Question, about difficulty of this game.Discussion

Hi. I bought this game on kick starter with all the upgrades, but till I got all my enthusiasm is gone. Now I have two boxes on the top of my wardrobe, catching dust. I don't really have anyone to spent that much time on learning and later explaining to someone what to do. I've watched few videos,but don't really catch all this rules.

Can someone be honest with me, is someone who never played those kind of games will have any fun or will to learn all this.

Maybe I should to just sell it out if this is still possible.

Thank you

Add something lighter under and that will distribute attention. 

I've put 8a on the top of the 3a and they are practically the same size. Of course 3a is a little bit thinner and lighter, but still similar size

33mm is all-around, 23mm is great in the city situation, both are great for portraits. 56mm if you like to go closer, tighter in composition. On new cameras, like XT5 you can use crop to 20mpx and 33mm can works like 50mm. At least I see this as great option when I use prime lenses now

Sugar is good when you need it, when you fast before the trip even more. Your brain and muscles are using loads of energy and it's need it. During sport sugar is really need it. Glucose and fructose it's a good choice, so gatorede with bananas would perfect. I have dextro under the hand always. 

Gatorade is your big plus. Glucose is so important because brain is running on it and during the trip is burning a lot of.