No worries. Republicans can do anything they want. They are above the law.

As long as it’s framed in a presidential act. That’s all he needs. Locked them all up little traitors.

Biden‘s first official act should be appointing 6 more democratic Supreme Court justices in a presidential order. Then Trump should be shown what happens to Traitors in another presidential act. Judge Cannon should be arrested along with anybody involved in the fake electors scheme to overthrow our government

You must be an official Trump Humper. one thing is clear. The decision will stop every investigation and every investigation will have to be considered whether it is an official act which will be after the election. The fixes in the Supreme Court is full of traitors. And a couple of sexual abusers.

Another sad day in America. Right now as Biden’s first official act, he should appoint three Democratic Supreme Court justices. Then, as his next official act, he should have numerous members of the Republican Party brought up on treason. F Donald the treasonous traitor Trump and the entire Republican party of traitors

PSNY up 13 percent today. Just the beginning…Cmon bitches 💰

A lot of us had roommates early on. If your parents were thinking about buying a house at 25 that would be 2 people combined. That said my first house was @8.5 percent interest. I was working 50 hours a week. Wahhh wahhh

Harden never brought a championship to any team. That dude is a cancer. Good luck clippers

How many different plea deals do these guys get? I just don’t get it. At least clawback the money. the CEO and management have made over the years. Since Dave Calhoun keeps wanting to take full responsibility how about taking away his over 300 million he’s made in the last 10 years.

If you are trading. Right now you’re up 20 bucks. So you’re already winning. That said your best bet might be to take a longshot. I like PSNY if I only had 500 and needed to gain 600 percent. Then hold until it pops. The restated earnings weren’t anything significant and finally put them out last week. With Rivian getting a new investment from Volkswagen this could spur on others. Other than that trying to get up 600% trading on a 500 investment you’d have to be real lucky.

LOL. I’d bet on your wife. I would think you would’ve had a plan before you made the bet. Estimating you’ll lose 20% the first year.