
Iv been getting new comments lately in the thread so I revisited it since it keeps bumping in my feed and just thought yours was interesting so I replied lol

Yea that’s besides the point, I’m just saying it’s pretty negligent to not care for a child emotionally because of their personality, parents have the outmost responsibility to properly take care of their children no matter what, the child is pretty much at their mercy

Yea I get your point, however it’s not entirely trauma based since a lot isn’t necessarily stressful, frightening or distressing events, but just the amount or lack of emotional parental interaction and that could be something like a lack of encouraging words or praises, comforting words or actions that shows warmth and love, reassurance, affirmation, poor communication etc. just emotionally distant stuff that gets often overlooked and shrugged off since it’s not as crazy as abuse for instance

I think that would be really selfish and un parent like to respond poorly based on a child’s personality. People love and care for animals and even inanimate objects regardless of personality, when it comes to their child that love is way more intimate. That would be a negligent approach. Also there’s this factor called avoidant attachment style that pretty much shows that the child’s emotional behaviour or attachment relies on how present and available the parents were to their kids in giving the appropriate emotional needs or parental bonding, and that determines the attachment style a kid is gonna end up developing. This is very relatable


Meaning already exists otherwise you wouldn’t understand a single word you said or won’t be able to understand this comment. The best way to understand is simply study and experience everything before you die, what’s actually absurd is to still pretend you haven’t learned a thing

So nostalgic. And his fingers have razorblades in them

Yep it’s called Blood and Shadows #4! Can’t believe there’s more!


Yeah those people are different and more of the activist types or angsty young people. I think they’re more bluff or misled than anything practical. What I’m talking about is more in line with situationalism. Societal collapse is just one example, it can range from things like abuse at home where you have speak up and act regardless if the norms says to be respectful to your parents and don’t rat out your own family, but certain situations just calls for dire measures. You might even find yourself punching your own father to save your mom or siblings in these situations.

It depends on situation. Certain situations one must do what has to be done, you cannot be dragged down by norms. One can save a society in a brink of collapse by speaking about what brings upon its ruin and acting upon it, even when it is considered rebellious in the society and even when most fear to speak out and act due to the norms.

The prince pretty much makes sense. Do what actually works and what needs to be done regardless of society’s opinions, culture and taboos

Yep healthy food is practically the OG meds. It’s a good mentality OP needs

Yea he’s just using the look as a disguise. Pretty cool twist. It would prolly be more impactful since a player’s initial response would be that he’s the worst for being a skinhead etc then the reveal at the end would cause emotional conflict lol

How heavy are these badboys and do they protect against pages warping from humidity?

Can you tell us about how tattered and torn was made and other similar atmospheric songs. I think those are your most creative works and would like upcoming albums to incorporate the bizarre and surreal more

It all starts with a nosejob then you’ll want other procedures until you end like the bogdanoffs. Don’t fall for the trap!

Cornsnake - most reliable and easiest all around, extremely hard to mess up if you’re in north america

Boa - reliable feeders, but size makes everything expensive and requires more strength to properly handle, beginners are prone to mess humidity levels if they’re not in a tropical country

Ball Python - least reliable all around apart from cuteness and lax nature. Beginners are notorious for providing too low humidity and heat for this species causing RIs (the “high humidity causes RIs” misinfo is a culprit of this too). Will be a headache for most newbies especially the food strikes. Avoid