It would be rather superstitious with the likes of horoscopes to say that INTJs are just “born that way”. Unless there’s something genetic, but besides that, there has to be a common upbringing/chain of similar events that led to this being our personality type regardless of how diverse each individual INTJs are as obviously we can’t be all 100% grouped as the same.

Lets delve into the possible causalies here and feel free to share what you think would turn a person into an INTJ. Don’t shy away sharing your own upbringing, do it for the sake of information.

Points to consider: -Were parents present/absent, cold, negligent? -Did you get taught about social skills/mechanical skills or did you have to learn those on your own? -Were parents abusive/narcissistic/pathological liars? -What percentage of time did you spend with toys/hobbies/entertainment compared to playing with other kids? -Were you exposed/desensitized to the brutal hard truths at an early age?/horror/gore/crime anything that can cause apathy towards humanity -Were you already skeptical of everything from an early age without/with outsider influences? -Did you get exposed to mechanical/scientific media or alternative art/music as a kid? Anything that made you deviate from the social norm?