Dude was braking way too early on purpose, had another guy do that after I caught him from 5 seconds back, just weak skill and no desire to race clean…if you’re getting beat take the L

Just call and get a SC appointment, I talked to a rep and scheduled the same day, very knowledgeable about my truck and had all the spare parts in house, got it back 7am the following day! Love the truck! @elon

Holy shit a working prototype? That’s awesome!


Yeah must have been a team of reporters working months to dig up this story, so bold of them to publish it now…Pulitzer coming?

Flip Wilson had one of the funnier ones as I recall

In laws seems like a control thing, just wanting to fuck up my shit. My dad cuts down anything that mildly annoys him, maybe ptsd from a magnolia tree he hated for decades and still talks about when he looks at my trees

I swear to god I hide all my cutting tools when my older relatives or in laws are visiting, if they can’t cut the whole thing down they want to lop off everything they can reach, it’s nuts

Yeah I like it just belongs on a Bugatti or even a Corvette, something worthy of the effort

I’ve seen about 5 wraps that make it look less ridiculous, still belongs in r/shittycarmods

Look up Rizzuto family, just visited last year it’s obvious the mafia is all over Montréal

Probably got a pine needle in the hinge

I forgot Covid miraculously went away in 2 weeks thanks to the stable genius

The setup line for the joke would be “Why didn’t you use a CyberTruck?”


It appears to be an overreacting account trying to spread hate

Edit: actually it looks like you are using both accounts, what a life

I’ve never been to a rave but in my imagination this is what a professional raver would look like

Those nice ones do that (and the ct should for $120k), but even my cheap flap and snap just lets a little spray get through in a car wash…it’s both a lot of water and ignorant owner expecting a bone dry bed after a pressure wash or even driving in heavy rain

More concerning to me would be water collecting in there when parked outside

My ‘91 Legend did that in 2007, the dealer had never seen anything like it, didn’t really believe I was driving in the rain and asked if I pissed someone off enough for them to break it when it was parked somewhere…I think it was a weak point from lifting the arm to wash the windshield