I moved out when I turned 18, moved several states away and had to basically live on my own with my older (irresponsible) sibling.

It was hard, I was angry a lot, but with random bits of therapy and time things got better. I met my now spouse and I get to spend my life filled with love and support. Even while I'm going through a major health crisis, I feel safe.

You can make it too. Once you are out you need to commit to helping yourself with the trauma and pain. That's is what will truly hold you back.

I had 3 or 4 relatives die before I was five, and my cousin killed himself when I was 6. I've kind always known what death was. I remember feeling really overwhelmed by the concept. Like, my little kid brain was struggling with it? It was a long time ago, but that's what I can remember.

For context I was very late in life baby with a bunch of family already in their 70s to 90s.

I ate enough ginger last week I upset my stomach.

I've been since March as well. This had been the best week so far only 4 migraine days. Barometric pressure has changed to only mostly crap other than complete crap in my area.

I'm fatigued as hell tho.

It's been awful. Migraine practically every day even on ajovy. In CO.

My original thing I wanted to do is to make better ship interior layouts for the modules as well as bases. Don't know if I have the time right now tho.

I broke my finger as a kid, I didn't think it was too serious so I didn't make an appointment until it started to swell. Apparently, I cracked in half and because I didn't realize it was broken it never healed right and aches a bit.

My doctor, who was very good, was extremely annoyed with my tendency to not register my injuries. He was the one who initially diagnosed me with migraines.

Also, does anyone get weird attitudes from staff when you are calm and not freaking out during serious injury situations? They always claim I'm in shock (no medical evidence to back it up in vitals) or think I'm either under or over playing my pain. So weird.

I think the whole feel of the game. Joining a community, and having a really great life. The ultimate escape from my non chill life.

Omg, I hate your gp from your description alone. I'm sorry OP doctors and medical are supposed to be on your side even though it doesn't work out that way a lot of times.

I take a lot too, but mostly related to my other chronic conditions. I only take magnesium for migraines.

Yes, a few. One I didn't know very well, but the other I spent a lot of time with. My friend's boyfriend got high crashed his car, his friend riding with him was crushed, but alive. The boyfriend ran, left him to die, and tried to have my friend hide the evidence.

He was a dumpster fire. Utterly. He was violent, abusive, and controlling. He almost stabbed me with a broken beer bottle because I made a sarcastic comment. (I make a lot, I'm very sarcastic.) I'm glad he went to jail, because my friend would have never broke up with him. She got community service for cleaning up the evidence.

We were in high school, BTW

Coffee used to help prevent them. I'm chronic now, so I'm like 'whatever' at this point. I went without caffeine for about 6 months after chronic but no real changes. Of course, caffeine helps once I'm having an attack, but yea, shrug

I shove either a hot pad or an cold pad roughly into my right eye using the arm of my couch, the pressure helps a lot.

I also, do what you do, op. Lay in the tub, in the dark with my eyes covered for maximum darkness.

They changed the formula on the nyx lip liners? That's disappointing news.

Yea, I have my migraine treatment pills set up after each migraine. That way I don't have to think just pop it, open manage a bit of water, and I can go and curl up somewhere.

Yea same for me. I don't sweat much, medical issue, but it reeks so bad. So weird. Thought it was just me.

Same, if it rained every day the pressure would remain consistent and I wouldn't overheat. Win win

The vast majority of the time I get migraines. If I'm any of these - nauseous, dizzy, have vertigo, unexplained body pain, light/sound sensitivity it's a migraine. Otherwise, it's a headache. They are so different one another I honestly couldn't mistake them.

I feel the same way. Thanks everyone.

I honestly struggle to make friends myself. Part of it is my personality I'm extremely introverted as well as not very friendly or open.

However, I have found a few. Mostly, I did this by leaning into my interests and going to places where I could share them. I write, play games, like artsy bs, and am an avid reader. I went to writing groups, gaming stores (mostly men, but some women), went to crafting events, and book clubs.

Do I generally put people off with my sarcastic ass self, yes. Do I have a lot of friends, no. But, I do have some really great, meaningful friendships. I think that suits me the best.

Why you seem or feel you put people off, it's hard to say. They just be nervous themselves, maybe you have an odd vibe, maybe their assholes, maybe you don't and it just feels that way.

Extroverts seem to find quiet and shy people really off putting, and I think 60% of population is extroverts. Could totally wrong about that (the percentage) . I'm not quiet or shy, so I run into that much. Some of my friends are and they get some flack about it.