I feel like I’ll never be normal , I’ll never be able to adjust with other people. I already find it difficult to be friends with people who have not had similar or worse toxic ho useholds. Kids from happy houses nauseate me , it’s not like I hate them but I wish I was them and then I find it hard to relate and be friends w them. It’s worse when it comes it to a partner , like rn the boy I’m talking to , one of the major reasons I can’t be w him is beacuse he’s from a privileged house . His family is rich , he has the daddy issues and has had stuff happen but nothing too abusive . A while back I was talking to this another boy , and the concept of fathers beating daughters was foreign to him and I was just sitting there thinking damn his sisters are so lucky . I’m working hard yk. Im trying so hard and I think I’ll make it out of this house. I will have a Job and small house . But I don’t think I’ll be able to have normal emotional bonds with anyone . Idk what it’s like to be from a mundane house .