It really depends on their individual personality, how they suffered, when they suffered and for how long.

One from my own experience is quiet stepping. I did a business course a few years ago at a TAFE (community college type place), and often I would unintentionally startle my classmates by quietly sneaking into the room. They would be having a conversation and all of a sudden BAM! I'm right behind them. It didn't take long for them to notice and rib me for it. Didn't have the heart to tell them it comes from wanting to blend into the furniture as a kid due to a tense household.

Little Miss Sunshine.

Knew the yellow bus as a reference, but never watched it. Finally gave in when I saw it come up on a streaming, I wish I watched it years ago!

This is from The Mission (1986), all of those workprint tracks are. Not sure why someone assigned them to The Lion King, they don't even have the same composer, nor were they done at the same time. Maybe they inspired Hans Zimmer? Not sure. They are beautiful, that's definitely true. My favourite is Gabriel's Oboe.

My big issue with the film surrounds Simba's ambush. In my version, I would have a scene where Kiara either:

  1. Overhears Zira and her clan talk about their ambush on Simba, and how Kovu refused to get involved.

  2. Oversees the ambush itself and Kovu's inactions during it

  3. Or at the very LEAST have her ask Kovu about the ambush after the fact

The reason? To make Kiara look less like a dumb infatuated teenager. Kiara knew Kovu for two days, and yet when her own father comes to her injured and DIRECTLY blames Kovu for being attacked...Kiara's like "But daddy. I love him!" and runs off to be with him. Bitch, you don't KNOW he didn't attack Simba, you assumed! He sure as hell intended to kill him just a day prior, a plot you had no idea about. If Kiara knew Kovu for way longer, I wouldn't mind the blind faith that he's innocent gesture, but honey...two days isn't long enough to know for sure. Because of this, I would've much preferred if Kiara KNEW he wasn't involved by other means.

My sister often quotes South Park when asserting right-wing arguments...but when I point out that South Park - the ones that denied and mocked it the most - did a complete 180 about their views on Climate Change, all of a sudden it's "like South Park knows what they're talking about!" it's so frustrating.

Not to mention the fact that a lot of the right wing viewpoints (the most extreme anyway) on the show; come from Cartman...the retard of the group (to quote the episode "Mystery of the Urinal Deuce"), the bigoted piece of shit you're not supposed to listen to or agree with. Right wingers really be relating to Eric Cartman, eh? Wtf?

JP Sears helped my older sister throw herself down the far right rabbit hole. Thanks, douche.

I can't believe I listened to her talk about a Star Wars Disney Park attraction for 4 hours! I don't care about Star Wars at all, I really thought I'd get bored pretty fast. 4 hours went by like nothing! How does she do that?!

Nala has no peen, bro.

Took me a minute to figure out what you were ranking them I get it lol. Zazu should be at none, most birds don't have 'em. I would also put Scar further down, everything about him screams 'small'.

Lions don't sing, let their sons take over their pride, appear in clouds or plot devious murder plots with Hyenas - so The Lion King isn't exactly sticking that close to real life Lions in nature. The time line in years is irrelevant, the amount of years it takes place in; can be anything you want it to be.

Plus the methane from all those animals combined would've suffocated everything and everyone on board within a few hours...if that. Make it make sense.

Stop. Villagers. From. Coming. Over. Unannounced! Why did they add this?? It makes me avoid my house like the plague.

I'd like a friendship mechanic similar to Sabel's with the villagers, EARN their trust and friendship - don't have super-friendly as the default. Have them slowly warm up to you if you're kind to them, or dislike you if you mistreat them - like actual people.

The colour gradient above his nose changes from dark to light, so unless that's an error, that's a sign of ageing. They likely just didn't want to go off model or add more details that would be a pain in the ass to keep consistent - the whiskers were apparently annoying enough for the animators, which is why a lot of scenes have them missing.

Saw basically this when it was in Melbourne earlier this year, it was amazing, highly recommend!

His cult got my sister...we're not even American. This shit is wild!

I figured it out, he's at least 10 years old now. Hopefully he now pisses between the couch cushions like a normal person.

Yes! "We are the warriors against putting restrictions on putting restrictions on art." They love to say things like "Blazing Saddles would be so controversial if it came out today, everyone is so sensitive!" Yeah, well, if Bruce Almighty came out today, conservatives would WITHOUT A DOUBT be wetting their pants over it and sending Morgan Freeman death threats. kettle.

This photo is iconic...I wonder how old this kid is now

Couldn't. Agree. MOOOORE! It's like the line of thinking is: 'Boy is this age. Girl is this age...they must be a couple!' And yeah, changing Vitani's personality because "girls must be girly with boys" is so cringe and overdone.

Yes, it demonstrates how little he actually cared for the Hyenas and how disposable they were to him. Which is why certain Scar apologists need to STFU

Simba understood the consequences of such curiosity, from his perspective, it nearly got him killed several times as a cub and he grew up thinking his rebellious actions caused his father's death. Scar told him to stay on the rock, he got up and roared at a Chameleon instead and (to him) it led to the sequence of events that saw his father plummet to his death. Yes, on one hand kids should make mistakes to learn from them, but on the other hand, many have died because of their inexperience. It only takes one incident for a young life to be drastically changed forever, if not ended entirely. Parents whose children drown in a pool (for instance) are often shamed with the question "Why weren't you watching them?"

Again, under normal circumstances, I see your point, but there's a neighbouring pride out for revenge and blood in SP! It's not at all unreasonable to keep a watch on your naïve child given this. Would YOU let your kid run around by themselves if you had a gang near your town that wanted to see you and your loved ones dead? Zira made her intentions pretty clear. Sarabi wasn't seen as wrong or overbearing for having Zazu look after Simba and Nala as cubs, they likely would've been killed by the Hyenas if they were allowed to go alone. At least Simba and Nala had each other, Kiara had no one. Mufasa was rightfully furious with Simba when he broke his promise by going to the Elephant Graveyard - because his carelessness and curiosity nearly got him, Zazu and Nala killed. Nala even acknowledges this, but doesn't see it as a reason to make sure Kiara doesn't do anything equally stupid - which she does.

The fire trap would've happened no matter where Kiara went, Vitani and Nuka were following her. That wasn't Simba's fault. I agree telling her 'no more hunting' was harsh though.

"From Kiara's perspective, Kovu never broke her trust." If Kiara had shown up for her hunting lesson a few minutes late, I think Kovu would've more than broken her trust, he would've broken her father's neck lol. There was a lot that Kiara didn't know about Kovu initially, and continued not to know as she never asked, not even after the ambush. Which I think is utterly insane. Why did she not ask him for an explanation? Why wouldn't you ask what happened at the very least?

The Lost Boys (1987)

The most 80s movie you'll ever see and it's a blast! I've introduced it to quite a few people, and I've never heard anyone say they didn't like it.

The first one is Disney Store Kiara, and the second is vintage Nala from the Disney Parks.