I see Prince Nana has his pants pulled up and his belt cinched this time.

Yeah, don't. That shit gives me anxiety just thinking about it.

What about the shots fired near the radio antenna in Lee County?

Lindsey does indeed dance while she plays. I came to know her music beginning in 2014 when she did a song with Lzzy Hale(from rock band Halestorm) called Shatter Me. Stringed instruments are just sooo good.

I would say Lindsey Stirling is a violinist first and foremost. Then maybe a dancer second. She writes and performs various genres of music including EDM.

But you are right, the world is better with music.

What purpose do those stairs even serve? They're old, sunken at different angles, and there's a paved driveway already right there. They also make mowing more difficult. The only thing that maybe makes sense is if the driveway was gravel or dirt when the stairs were poured but then why would you have stairs poured instead of a driveway?

I bet this lady also tried to get Speedy Gonzalez cancelled. We love that little mouse. My family has a framed poster of him in the kitchen.

I can bet this lady also tries to push Latinx on everybody and acosts anybody with dreadlocks that isn't black. I wonder if she brings that same energy for all the non-Irish people on St. Patrick's Day. Outside of Puebla, Mexico I don't think anybody in Mexico celebrates Cinco De Mayo except maybe where they can use it to make money off tourists.

They kinda did. The episode "Dead Kids" from 2018 nonchalantly has kids as armed hall monitors and everyone kinda walks around dodging bullets during school scenes.

I guess the IDF knows what they're doing. If you kill everyone including the innocents then who's left to grow up and fight back in future generations? Genocide at it's finest.

Fuck the IDF. Fuck Hamas. Free Palestine.

Yeah, I looked at the witness holes. The video quality is better on the woman's YouTube channel.

... and his spare mags appear to be empty, that radio on his left isn't connected to his earpiece, and he has 3 pairs of cuffs. What exactly does this "Security Enforcement Officer" think he's gonna do?

I just remember weighing a 12 oz(fluid) can of Coke once and it weighed roughly 13 oz. I figured even if it was a 24oz can it would probably be around 1.5 lbs. I assumed beer would be about the same as soda. I guess I didn't even think about beer being lighter from alcohol. I mean, I knew alcohol is lighter than water but it just never registered. You learn something every day. Math is fun sometimes so thanks for that.

Not doubting a can of beer can do a lot of damage when thrown but weighing 3 pounds? That's nearly double the weight of a 24oz can.

Still, I'm glad they caught the asshole because I've seen somebody have their head split open by a 12 oz can of soda before. Somebody accidentally tossed it over the head of their intended target and it hit somebody behind them.

I don't understand her problem. That looks like a perfectly fine piece of chicken to me. A couple little pin feathers are no big deal... it's chicken. They pluck right off and are on the part of the wing you don't eat anyways.

I worked at a KFC from age 15 to 22 and sometimes pieces of chicken would still have a couple pin feathers. I worked every job in the store and I can't ever recall somebody asking for a refund or replacement for a few feathers. As cooks we were instructed to pull off any excessive chunks of fat and feathers(almost exclusively seen on the wing tips) and slide any flaps of skin over the meatier parts but it wasn't a big deal if we didn't.

I live in "The Region" aka Northwest Indiana which is basically an extension of Chicagoland. The irony is that this is the most diverse part of the state and it hasn't been "white" for a very loooooong time.

Also, this guy has been identified and the things he's into actually kinda surprised me when I saw them. Not really what I expected based on what he was doing on this day. It made me chuckle.

Yep. The bridge had a clearance of 11'-8". It was actually lifted a few years ago to 12'-4". The YouTube channel that posted the videos definitely posts less frequently now. I think it's been about 7 months since the last video.