The risky choice was flying when they should have waited for better weather

It's the equivalent of driving to get groceries when it's icy/foggy/storming, which way too many people do. They won't starve eaiting until the next day to go shopping, but chiose to risk it anyway

It's an irrational approach to risk management. People make risky choices all the time, they just don't view it as such because it's so normalized to them

It's always disorientation

No it isn't. Wind shear, microbursts, and icing are very common as well

Much like motorcycles

Except not at all. When flown safely, flying is safer than driving a car. The safety is also almost entirely up to the pilot

Motorcycles are inherently less safe than a car because your safety largely depends on the drivers around you. You can do everything right and someone else can still kill you by being unsafe

The pilot makes the decision, which was one of the family members

Looks like a classic case of "gotta-get-home-itis". Decided they'd rather gamble on avoiding the weather than wait it out. They lost the gamble

Shouldn't have flown at all. The weather was obviously bad and he chose to gamble with his family's life rather than wait it out

Under the UCMJ things like sexual assault are taken heavily in military court and prison

Lol, this must be some willful ignorance. Go look up some of the hundreds, if not thousands, of accounts of women in the military being sexually assaulted. Nothing gets done. Their reports are swept under the rug

Statistically riding in a car is far more dangerous than on a train

Many Americans do not want public transit to exist at all. Keeping it as dangerous as possible disincentivizes ridership, making it easier for them to argue for getting rid of it

The gates are continously being added to stations when they're worked on

10 years ago you'd have been correct, but they're definitely at a lot of stations now

Despite the high ridership most Japanese railroads still lose money on transit itself and offset it with real estate investments around their properties.

Which is how transit should generally be run, although you're actually largely incorrect here. JR has actually turned a profit on ridership alone for most of thebpast decade

The train barriers are now standard for JR trains. When stations are worked on, barriers are added. It's just a slow transiti9n over a decade or so

JR is profitable all over Japan, not just in metro areas, so your hypothesis that it's only profitable because of the metro area is not correct

A large portion of JR profits are from leasing/selling the land around stations

It's also important to remember it's far cheaper to build and maintain train lines in Japan. They don't have the insane real estate prices of the US, nor do they have nearly the level of regulatory red tape. Not to mention they have a massive pool of skilled workers in the field that the US simply does not have

He obviously didn't actually want a penny. He wanted to go to jail

Amazing how many errors there were with so little text in the image

  • Incorrectly stated 420 instead of 402

  • Incorrectly listed bytes instead of bits (Mbps would be bits, MBps is bytes)

  • Used Megabits instead of Terabits, which is a much better unit of measurement here

Also it's completely ridiculous they measured it using the mega prefix. Like describing the length of a drive in milimeters

Hitler didn't have majority support until well after he became an absolute dictator

It's difficult to say how much that increase in support was due to actually liking him, and how much was the fact he woukd have you beaten or killed for not supporting him enough

Reporting anyone disloyal to the party was a common occurance under Nazi rule. It was so common family members would even report each other. There was even a documented case of a man reporting himself for lack of devotion to the party. For a modern example of this, look at North Korea's Kim regime

Blaming everyone in Nazi Germany for supporting Hitler is like blaming every American for supporting Trump (although Trump actually has a much larger percentage of the vote due to the 2-party system)

Just a few years prior, that same politician whipped up his party into an insurrection that lasted less than a day

He used the ensuing trial as a platform to spread his beliefs, and gained a large amount of support despite being found guilty

He was given a very lenient sentence due to fears of retaliation from the far-right fascists. During his time in prison he wrote a book about his struggles, and how he was persecuted politically

Obviously this is all about Adolf Hitler, but perhaps there are a few parallels here

Bonus fun fact: Hitler was prisoner 45 while incarcerated

a soft authoritarianism with bouts of outright fascism

What makes you so optimistic that it will be a "soft authoritarianism"? Trump himself has directly said he intends to become a dictator (then give it up a day later, because dictators totally give up power immediately)


Counter examples for each: 

education (both basic and higher)

If you go to public school in Alabama you would most times be advantaged as a white man over any other race. Racism is rampant there


Tech companies disproportionately hire white men, despite token diversity efforts the overwhelmingly largest population is heterosexual white men promotions Look at the C-suite for any Fortune 500 company. Again we see white men are, by far, the largest demographic. But maybe that's just because they got hired the most?

popular culture (movies, shows) 

Captain America does not discriminate against white men 

historical rewrites 

This doesn't even make sense. 

all of tech (and therefore online "public" forums like reddit 

Tech is disproportionately run by white men. Interestingly, that wasn't always the case. 40 years ago the majority of programmers were women. It became a lucrative field with the tech revolution and quickly became male dominated

Edit: Fixed quotes

Claiming white men are disadvantaged everywhere you look is obviously wrong for you to list, without a doubt

When you look at the wealthiest people in the world, whote men are very disproportionately represented

When you look at political leadership, white men are very disproportionately represented in many countries like the US or US

Especially when you claim it is everywhere, it is very easy to find innumerable examples where white men are not disadvantaged

You are making claims that simply are not true. You should reflect on why thay is, and what made your view inconsistent with reality

I was hoping someone else would mention scythe mowing. Much better than using a trimmer

Much easier to cut the brush with a scythe

most homeless people choose to not do this

Do you honestly believe that? Are you really so detached from reality that you think millions of Americans are genuinely choosing to be homeless?

Many are homeless because of physical or mental handicaps. They are unable to work

Recently unexpected financial hardship has become the most common reason for someone to become homeless. The most common reason is medical debt, meaning they had to choose between healthcare and homelessness

Then you've got addiction. Addiction has increased significantly over the past few decades as Purdue Pharma pushed oxycontin to any and every patient they could. But of course we plame the individuals getting addicted, not the Sacklers who knew they were pushing a highly addictive drug, claiming it wasn't addictive

Then you've got the tiny portion that would just rather be homeless than work. I'm sure they exist, but I've never met one. Being homeless is awful, and almost no one would choose that. But somehow you're convinced that's most people? Bullshit.

The zoning law does mandate the large parking lot. They do not have any requirements for pedestrian/ bicycle friendly infrastructure though, because the developers aren't going to build anything they don't have to