Same born at the end of the 90s. I feel like I don’t relate to most people around my age because they are so entranced by social media and shit. I hate it. Everything is so rampant we eat shitty professed and poisonous food. Profiteering leads to not being able to talk to a human when you call a business. Jobs are being cut left and right to save profits. Been a big shift after the technological revolution. Things have gone downhill.

26 and I feel this. I’m working daily trying to remind myself I’m processing things and that’s why I feel this way. Every day is a challenge but I’m trying to defeat my depression. I’m in therapy and I suggest you also try it. Or even a workbook if it’s not affordable. I don’t know about you but I start having negative thoughts and I’m working on not listening to them, but noticing them and then next step addressing them by reframing them (CBT.) I feel like modern day society has a lot of sucky parts to it and that is why we have to allow in space for that feeling to also really appreciate the good parts of life that WILL and DO come. It isn’t simple though and progress won’t necessarily just be up and up, at least for me. I’m holding on to hope.

Not sure about in Cali but I’m a server in another state and we don’t automatically get paid minimum wage by the restaurant. We get like $2 or something. I believe if we end up making less than minimum wage an hour we can file for the employer to supplement for the pay up to minimum wage, but I’ve never been told about this and I doubt they would do this. It’s probably the same in Cali. I doubt they give servers a base pay of $15 or $20 an hour. Most servers are private contractors so there’s the loophole how they get around paying minimum wage. Tipping culture sucks though. Restaurants should pay people and it shouldn’t have to come out of the customers pocket to pay for their employees. Tipping should be to compliment a living wage in appreciation for one’s outstanding service, not just for doing the job. The servers and you didn’t make the system, but not tipping is a big FU to the server who literally busts their ass to help you. Servers also don’t receive guarantee they will get a fair paycheck a day, they may be cut early, called in with no work and told to go home.

Save your money. Do the things you want to do now. Make mistakes and learn from them. Fear of making mistakes later will be harder to overcome. Keep wearing your retainer. You don’t need anyone else’s approval to live your life how you want to. Don’t get a degree just to get one and expect a career lined up from that alone.

Just wanted to say I feel ya. 26 & I have social anxiety and feel so awkward around people. I feel like I don’t fit in with a lot of people my age and I’m not into popular culture, social media, so I find it hard to relate.

What’s your approach to retirement if you don’t mind sharing?

  1. You’re still a kid. Sounds like your adult caregivers haven’t noticed you are struggling or you are really good at hiding it. You deserve to eat healthy meals and need food for your brain to function effectively. Your caregivers should help you with affording food. If the adults in your life are not doing their job please reach out to a professional.

Native Texan here. I don’t understand why anyone would want to move here. It’s miserably hot and humid. I can’t go outside without mosquitos eating me either. The PNW is beautiful. My plan is to leave.

When I first tried that I didn’t know that there was a big serotonin drop after and it was an incredibly horribly low and dark feeling for me. I’ve done it again at a smaller amount I think a half and the come down was fine that time.

I don’t know if you’ve considered this but walking is also a form of exercise. I feel like people often hear that line of “exercise” for their mental health and think it means you have to go running etc.

I don’t know if this is for sure why I feel like I’ve been coming out of my recent depression but I think it’s possibly why. I had gone through some rough things all at once with a breakup, my grandma passing away, a car accident that totaled my car. I remember feeling some depression and I feel like I was very afraid of it. I think also with my breakup I did not want to accept it. I think I have learned now to not avoid the feelings I had and have been better about creating space for them and to process them. I feel like it’s been a lot of acceptance and reflection of especially my breakup. I feel like I’ve had to learn to accept things as they are, despite how much I wished things were different than they were. I also told myself I didn’t want to keep letting my depression dictate my life and waste it away. I think this has helped me try and better appreciate the time I have. Heard from another source to live like it’s your last days and I thought what if it was my last days on much of a shame it would be if I let the days go to waste. I feel like I’m trying to improve my mindset and not give in to the depression. I’ve noticed how I will often dissociate when facing something and am getting better at being aware of my habits. I think I’m working on changing my autonomic responses and know this we can rewire our brains, so I’m hopeful that continuing these healthy habits will pay off over time. Also I really think taking daily walks and doing workouts is helpful for me.

I was taking it for several months daily, but now my anxiety is much better and haven’t been needing it. I also did cut out alcohol and weed for a few months. I’ve started drinking some again and I’ve noticed a little anxiety when I do.

This. I feel like acceptance of truth is what can allow us peace which can allow space for happiness.

To me it sounds like your mom maybe doesn’t like it because she associates it with your dad.. you can still pursue boxing and studies. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.

Can I ask why do you hate teaching? As someone considering becoming a teacher I’d love some perspective.