All this talk of finding happiness is rooted in ego. Catering to Self, 'selfing' in the name of spirituality is the raison d'etre of 95% of folks posting sob stories or fishing for pats on the back or a heart emoji or two in here.

Go ahead start clutching your pearls: I'm going to point out a thing or two ;;)

I think it is sad and tragic if not outright grotesque in the context of enlightenment and/or Spiritual 'practice' or spiritual wisdom what most people do in here in the name of getting their daily fix of pandering or imparting the next gibberish esoteric clown theory or therapeutic mumbo jumbo.

The chase for happiness is what creates the misery.

Over and over again. Folks are not ready to accept that the very demand for permanence (permanent happiness, permanent bliss, permanenet love, permanent this,that or the other thing) is what is causing, maintaining and feeding this illusory feeling of discontent and disconnect.. this feeling of being incomplete needs to be 'fixed' with ..dumb bliss. It never lasts, but they don't notice that.

Happiness is not what sets one in search of the Truth at all. It presents itself in a whole other way. Not nececarily as something pleasant at all. You'll NEVER be happy because you don't even know what contentment and as such you cannot ever accept the idea of 'enough'. Of BEING 'enough'.. not to ego; to YOURSELF. That's the real problem.

Ego obscures all the street signs that 'point the way' to Realizations. It is very busy like that all the time. Even when you sleep! Ego has no appetite for Enlightenment AT ALL. Because ego abhors a vacuum. It can only sustain itself with delusion.

It's just a stupid goal to have. 'Happiness'. What you would want is to be REAL, AWAKE, to see this place for what it IS NOT. Not de-evolve in one of these Kumbaya singing, pearl and bunghole clutching, endlessly preaching fake spiritual robots that - let's be honest here - makes up 95% of this very sub. The most uptight, easily offended of them all are often the loudest proclaiming they know what is what when it comes to Truth Realization or Abiding Non Dual Awareness.

They have subverted and corrupted the whole spirituality thing. Just look closely how their spiritual questions and posts and 'tips' are mostly saturated with huge egotistical 'wants' and 'needs' and how a lot of their (so called) problems are actually mostly cringe inducing crocodile tear jerkers.

Read up on spirituality. The root of it. See how it is not about this proliferation of grotesque ego-driven gibberish and start getting your self out of this muck, this thick-like-honey bs lovey dovey drivel that doesn't give you anything but a huge case of spiritual sclerosis. It is A MEANS TO AN END. That end being Awakening. And once you are done your so called spirityuality has no meaning whatsoever anymore. Done.. and DONE.

If your spirituality is not about waking up from this dream then I really don't know what the fuck it is even about. And neither do you.

Thanks. I'll see myself out. Have a nice day now ;;)
