The bit about “I made peace in the Middle East”, had me losing my shit. So he dresses in Orange face, and now he really thinks he was Trump when he signed the Abraham accords? What in the actual fuck? Next level dementia…

Imma need to see how they dance. The fact that the prices are in euros is promising, though.

“Is she vaxed? How many times has she been smashed by someone who was?”… sigh.

“Calling because I lost my cc today on a cruise”… Oh, well gee, it must be nice to have the day off, let alone be on a cruise! Bitch… 🙄

While I agree that that is true in this instance, I also believe they deliberately wrote it like that on the prompter to try and offset his past embarrassments…

The fact checker bot got clinton’d too?! Well. It was bound to happen once it started to turn against the Dems, I guess…

Pfft. Shoulda gotten some of that Trump super pure water instead! 🤣

You missed the Scranton Joe! Shouts into mic? Possibly when he was talking about his son??? Meh. Looks like a winner winner chicken dinner to me!

Clearly reading his prewritten responses at the beginning of some of those questions, and even then, I think the answers just confused him even more!

Nobody knows what he said… Wonder what the official transcript will read…

I see… Good to know. Thank you CCCockman! 🫡