I just don't believe the premise of this post. You watched them all in two days and still know how to type words good?

She was. I don't particularly care for her in much else, but she had chemistry with Clooney and knew how to tussle.

I was wondering why the one outside Walgreens was still promoting its newest release, "Barbie."

I make "one frame" video challenges and just this week did one that included the monster at the end of Leviathan... woof. It floors me that a monster that bad looking showed up in a movie that played on over a thousand screens.

Far worse than that. According to the folks in that thread, it's 100 miles to Sharp's Point, which I guess is a waypoint. They'd still have over 300 miles to go before they reached King's Landing.

Meh, the only real problem I had was that they keep popping back and forth from Dragonstone to King's Landing like they're popping out to grab smokes and scratchers. Perhaps if they staggered the editing a bit to allow a few more things to take place and more time to logically pass between when Rhaenyra decides to go and when she arrives...

I was in my late 20s when I saw Tarzan, and I distinctly remember in the first five minutes saying "Holy shit he's going hard. " it may not match the action as well as The Incredibles or Ratatouille, but let's ease up with making suppositions about peoples' ages. It's rude.

Unless it's someone who liked Hook. They were definitely born in the early 80s (amazing Williams score, however)

I would really like someone to check all the video feeds and make sure Biden never left a drink unattended. I'm starting to worry that someone fucking roofied him.

(not really, but holy shit)

I skipped it. I had just gotten a stem cell transplant thanks to Multiple Myeloma so I really couldn't go out and do much of anything on account of having like a 2 month old's immune system. 51st is coming up and I'm thinking maybe I take the day off work and go get some lunch sushi and no that's not an euphemism.

Bo Diddley had Bo Diddley, but sadly it was only released as a Bo Single.

Since we seem hung up on Star Wars, I would cut the helicopter/drone shot that ends The Force Awakens. Make the ending either about Luke's hesitancy or Rey's desperation. Pulling to a wide shot (and a shitty one at that) cuts the legs out emotionally.

It would work better if you actually knew the rest of the plot, obviously, but that's an entirely different problem

Stranger still is that I was looking for the same answer a day after you, and ended up with the same 3-year old nonsense. Sadly, I already screwed up and pronounced it in a video incorrectly. I guess I decided to roll with the Spanish pronunciation, so I probably sounded dumber than both of those idiots.

I got my second shot last week. Arm was a bit sore for a day or two, but it was no worse than any other shot. Of course, your results may vary.

Hell, I liked TCM 2 more than the original. It's one of the best movies cocaine ever directed.

Sounds like he got hit by the ride vehicle. If someone had kicked him at that speed, they would have certainly broken their leg in the process.

Keys. He lost his keys on the ride and wouldn't wait until the park closed so they could retrieve them (and no, someone losing their keys is not an emergency that necessitates shutting down a ride for an hour). It's unfortunate, but the area he entered was clearly marked as restricted.

Elsa: "What's that?"

Indiana: "The lost ark of the Covenant."

Elsa: "Are you sure?"

Indiana: "Pretty sure."

Plus Williams sneaks in the Ark theme...

We have maybe five of his albums. The only one I've ever put on is the one where he covers Sgt Peppers Lonrly Hearts Club Band and yes it sounds exactly like you think it's going to sound

I do agree, but it pulls me out when I see shots that are clearly downtown Atlanta.

The success of Fallout may help. The failure of Borderlands may not help

Goddammit, all I ever get recommended are Disney adults and that dude who has all the recipes in a book. Yo, Insta! I like tits too!

If you're using proper titles, I think you have to indicate that Tall slender blonde wife was in Guardians 2/3.