One of my favorite quirks a movie might have is a reference to another film. Two recent examples that gave me a good laugh:

A. “It’s a Disaster”- a dinner party amongst a friend group is interrupted by a dirty bomb. Upon finding out that the explosion dispersed VX nerve gas, the nerdier member of the group blurts out “woah, that’s the shit from “The Rock””. Something about referencing a Sunday afternoon nick cage movie in this situation was brave and hilarious.

B. “The Battery”- A pair of minor league baseball players caught in the zombie apocalypse trek across New England; during which they pick up the radio chatter of an established survivor group. Part of the exchange they listen in on mentions that because it is (unnnamed boy in survivor group)’s birthday that week, he gets to pick “the movie” (inferring there is a tradition to watch a movie as a special birthday occasion) and he picked “Tremors”. The voice on the radio expresses his displeasure he has to venture out into a post-apocalyptic wasteland for a copy of “That Kevin Bacon movie with the giant worms”.

What are some other humorous examples of dialogue referencing another film?