Um, why is Frenchie on the Yankees/Mets broadcast? I feel betrayed.

You’re right, it’s only a short amount of time. I shouldn’t risk it. Thank you for your input!

Thank you for the input. It’s hard to hear just because going to the gym is about the only thing that makes me feel normal/sane. My body’s getting bigger but it’s easy to reconcile when I know I’m still staying active. I guess I’ll just swim for the next couple of months! Grateful I can do that at least

Have a hernia - should I stop lifting?

Title pretty much says it all! I’m 31 weeks and have been able to keep up with weight training throughout my pregnancy thankfully! But I’ve been living with a hernia (inguinal) for three weeks now. I’ve still been lifting, and I don’t notice any added pain afterwords. Mainly it’s inflamed when I’m standing/walking all day. But I’ve been reading that you should limit strenuous activities like lifting heavy things until it can be repaired with surgery.

Follow up question: any chance my hernia will get BETTER after baby is born and I drop weight? Really not loving the idea of 6 weeks no activity after baby is born plus an additional 6 weeks for surgery recovery.

Got on to post the same thing. This on top of the spectator fee increase. Used to be $14 I believe and now it’s $30 with tax. Where is all this money going to? Definitely isn’t quality of shirts this year, or even additions to the course.

I gotcha. By the time I’m done active duty I’ll actually only have 6 payments left until 120…didn’t realize the months during the Covid pause. Thanks for the help!

I plan to make all the payments, I just don't plan to be in government/not for profit work by the time I hit 120. So my question is do I have to be currently working full time in a qualifying job by AND have made 120 qualifying payments at the same time??

I think I qualify but I'm a little confused

New to this sub so sorry if this has been asked and answered. I worked in a qualifying not for profit for 4 years before joining the Army a couple of years ago. I have made 62 qualifying monthly payments but will not be be in the Army by the time I hit 120 qualifying payments, nor do I plan to go back to non profit work. Is this for me? Should I even apply?

Painful bulge in pubic areaHelp?

Weird topic… I’m 28W1D and I have a painful bulge in my mons pubis area. Just on the left side. It’s probably an inch and a half long by half and inch wide (guessing). It gets more painful/almost inflamed after standing or walking too much. Has anyone else had this? I’m wondering if it’s a hernia or something. I’m see a pelvic floor PT tomorrow for my first appointment as I’ve been struggling with some bad pelvic floor pain already. May be related to that too?

ALERT looks like some warm up pitching happening. Maybe.

At the game now, and confused why it’s delayed already. Radar doesn’t show rain moving in until after 8:00…why not just play until the rain moves in?

Pelvic floor pain

I’m 25w5d and having daily pelvic floor pain even without workouts or walking much. Seems like it doesn’t matter my activity level for the day, by the end of the day I’m hurting. With 3 months left to go I’m worried about how much worse it’ll get and would love to hear any recommendations. Specifically belly bands that have worked for y’all. Thank youuu

Dumped weed at a gas station

Asking for a friend (truly). Someone I know purchased edibles legally in CO, and was driving to visit a friend in Texas when he learned that less than an ounce of edibles in TX is a felony punishable of up to 2 years.

He ditched them inside a McDonald’s bag and threw them in a gas station trash can. HOWEVER the bag has a receipt with his name on it from McDonalds and the gummies have the name of the store he bought them from.

He’s worried someone will find it, put two and two together and call the store in CO asking if he purchased them there and then track him down….this isn’t possible is it? Please help me ease his mind lol