Team? I guess it’s the Jets. Like what the hell are you guys doing? Jets, in New York?

They need to just lean into it. He is there because LeBron wanted him there. Plain and simple. Bronny can go out and prove everyone wrong if he is worthy of the roster spot. Good luck to him.

Which is crazy considering Ronaldo, one of the best to ever play, was breaking down crying on the field after missing a penalty kick because he felt like he let the team and his country down with his performance. Where is that passion on team USA?

It’s was just the Shu version of the Nanman campaign battle. You could only choose between Zhen Ji, Huang Gai, or Zhao Yun. Still have it to this day.

My grandfather had a PS2 JamPack demo disk that included DW3 on it. He let my brother and I borrow it and the rest is history.

What is ass bait and where can we buy some?

He’s the only politician I’ve ever paid attention to that wants to focus on real issues, not those buzz word issues that get everyone’s attention but only affect 3% of the actual population.

Based purely on observation, it seems my grass tends to go dormant (yellowing) after I water it during this two week period of temperatures at or above 90 degrees. Should I avoid watering it during the day/evening and just let it go dormant until temperatures drop back down? Or am I not watering it enough. I tend to water it 25-30 minutes a day (minimum) later in the evening when the shade creeps in.

Any advice or personal experience is appreciated.

Always like Shu’s cast of characters better. Jin always felt like an extension of Wei.

Monkey in Space

It’s less about golf skills and more about that conversation framing the president’s physical ability in a negative way across the vast majority of the viewership.

He can’t see it and doesn’t know it is burnt. I’m sure he’ll figure it out when someone gets him a mirror.

:KennyC: Kenny Clark

That’s Raj, A.K.A Tori.

Seriously. He literally pulled a Homelander, but without lasers.

The good news is that the team’s best batter has been hurt all year, so we aren’t witnessing the team’s ceiling.

I love how the entrance is red for literally no other reason than that is what it looked like on Corusant. The Death Star(s) were basically absent of any color, why would they put it in a lobby area that leads to an area that is a chair away from being an engine room?

Some of us just got our mains back after 10 Years! I appreciate the sacrifices that Sonya, Kano and others have made that have made this possible.

I’d argue because the newer games are empty. Having objective based levels narrows a player’s path and typically limits choice and exploration. With the old games the objectives were usually very simple and allowed you to utilize the full time limit to do what you wanted. The newer games always lost my interest quickly because I felt like things were too straight forward with pre-established paths every time. The biggest sin of DW7 & 8 were reducing the scale of battles to mark it feel like you and a small party of just traversing a small battlefield taking out enemies as they suddenly appear. The older games (DW6 and older) essentially gave us a sandbox with everything on the table and told us to do what we wanted. I used that time to shift battles in different directions by targeting specific officers that allowed other allies to advance, which allowed for so much more exploration and thus a memorable experience. Everything since those titles make me feel like I’m speedrunning levels most of the time.

This is all said without acknowledging that DW9 somehow feels like less of an open world experience than DW2.

Monkey in Space

The only city I’ve been to reeks of weed in certain areas is Las Vegas. The smell has been especially strong after dark.

Same. I just stopped trying to fight it and slowly stopped noticing it. Dogs tear up yards in way worse ways anyways.

:KennyC: Kenny Clark

This definitely wasn’t the worst final. I think the mixture of fair competitions and the risk of elimination (+ the amount of eliminations) balanced out quite well. It also kept older challengers who, would more than likely fall to the back of the pack in anything physical, in the midst of things. Made it feel like a much more wide open competition the whole way through.

People have got to remember, the All Stars cast has a much wider range of physical ability than any other version of the show. They have to do something that is fair and fun for us to watch. Not everything needs to be a push your body to the limit kind of final.

:KennyC: Kenny Clark

I’d agree, but I recall a lot of them taking their hand off the guide sticks and grabbing the hose to angle it to their mouth.

You’re getting downvoted, but you stated the facts. Looks like some folks are in denial.

I was coming here to say this. In day-to-day life most of us will never encounter the “controversial” things The Boys is portraying. I get the connection, but don’t overthink the issue since in reality it is such a tiny percentage of actual people that partake in that sort of thing.

Anyone who is actually outraged by any of it is just overly engaged in that content/community. Just like people who think Twitter is reflective of a real life group opinion when in fact its user base is 3% of the population or something. Same deal with this, but depends on how much people engage with these issues/personalities/communities online.