For me… Since I’m pretty old now, I actually started with the original Dynasty warriors on the original PlayStation. My older cousin used to rent so many games and we are big on fighting games. We played the hell out of it because it reminded us of battle arena Toshinden lol. When the 2nd game came out he had it playing at his house riding a horse… I saw it on his big screen and thought it was the coolest thing ever, since I’ve never played a game that looked like that at the time yet. Only issue was, DW2 was a single player game…

Soon right after we were playing 2, the 3rd game came out. I got the game this time and when I turned the game on… the music right away blew me away. I am a musician and so I was sitting there listening to the music and watching the intro and just fell in love with the game.

Since that day, I’ve been a warriors fan. The 3rd game is still my favorite just because it’s the first game I actually owned and I love all the songs on it and it’s so damn hard compared to the later games in my opinion.