Would be a tie between New Zealand, Hawaii and Baja California.

According to some Muslim people online, being Muslim should be your whole personality.

What is haram? Habibi don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more.



That's the kind of shit the supervillain would be doing after all the heroes combine their strength, trying to defeat him.

We should bring back the death penalty for this kind of scammers specifically.

C'était vraiment un coup de génie de faire croire au gens que le Judaisme est à la fois une religion (comme le Christianisme et l'Islam) mais aussi une race. Une race qui comprend en son sein des Éthiopiens et des Russes.

Since, a lot of people use a VPN when they go incognito, this is meaningless.

It's funny how in every world map in exitance, they never have data on w. Sahara, but for this, they know exactly what's going on over there. 😆

I see he now owns an enigma machine himself. He won't get fooled by the Americans twice.

It looks good on you! But, are you related to Will Sasso by any chance?


I've heard of Rosa Parks before but this is the first time I've heard about Dandelion Alleyways.

Come back when you see ads for knee pain relief or selling hearing aids.

Lol, what was the point of picking up the dog poop if he was still going to upload this video online???

Me semble qu'iel devrait poursuivre en justice les influenceurs qui l'ont manipulé, pas les docteurs.

You look like a Ken doll now.

haha, in all seriousness, I don't think people would see it without you pointing it out.

la tête la première dans la partie peu profonde de la piscine? 😬

Give him some tighty whities and he'll look like Carblante from One Punch Man
